11.08.19 : With Alcohol


In my previous post I mentioned using a new pouring formula comprised of pva glue, floetrol and water.

Unfortunately I'm still having issues with my new mix and the cells I've come to love in my past pour have eluded me thus the alcohol.

With Alcohol

Aside from silicone, people have also used alcohol to achieve cells in fluid painting. I have tried it in the past but didn't think it produced cells but more dots or spots on the canvas.

But with the new mix I thought perhaps it would be different this time around and decided to try it again.

Previous research indicated I should use this alcohol and either add a spray of alcohol in the paint mix or, my preferred method, spray it directly on the canvas while the paint is wet.

Here's what I got.

👇 Before spraying
Nicely marbled although to me it lacked personality and needed a lil something something.

👇 After spraying
Looking distressed, really not what I would classify as cells but definitely not "vanilla".

Unfortunately no before picture for this one 👇, only the result after spraying.


But again, as you can see, more dots than actual cells.

Which really brings me to the same conclusion I came to months ago that the alcohol didn't really help much.

Perhaps next time I should add it to my paint mix instead of spraying it on to the canvas?

Since I'm still having issues with my new pouring mix I've slowed down my painting because I found myself wasting paint scraping canvas after canvas.

This slow down has resulted in major art withdrawals.

I'm hoping I can get my mix right again sometime this week, get my painting mojo back and maybe even record some videos!


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