Friday the Thirteenth Night Sky "Moon and Stars"


Last Friday the 13th of 2019

I think it is pretty safe to say that this is the last Friday the 13th of the year. So if you really want to learn about Friday the 13th, here is a good link from Earth Sky dot Org. It explains it all. So what is so special about this Friday the 13th? Well aside from the fact that the previous Friday the 13th occured 13 weeks ago in September, the next Friday the 13th occurs in March of 2020, besides that that only other thing special about this Friday the 13th, is that I took some night time pictures from just outside my door. So enough about Friday the 13th, it was a pretty nice article.

So yesterday was full moon, people on the east coast of America should have been excited it was full after all at 12:12 a.m EDT on 12-12. I did not get a picture of the full moon. I did get a picture of Friday the 13th's moon though.

DSC_8883 - Copy moon cropped.jpg
Above photo was taken on 12/13/2019 9:27 PM AKDT. I did crop out a lot of the sky to just have the moon. The moon was behind some trees low on the horizon. Camera settings were F/9 speed 1/250 sec. ISO-200 Focal length 300mm Even with the tripod I still had a hard time getting a really clear fully in focus shot, I am not going to give up, and one day I will get that special, "Yeah I took that picture" feeling when it comes to a full moon shot.

I should have went inside and changed my lens out, but since I had the zoom lens on and was outside and already cold I took some pictures of the stars. I actually think they came out pretty decent. I did do some editing of the pictures and so as not to bore you to much with reading my thoughts, I'll pretty much end it here, add a little at the end, and give the camera settings under the the next three pictures.

DSC_8887 - Copy stars 1.jpgf/4.5, 15 sec, ISO-2500, Focal length 55mm

DSC_8888 stars 2.jpg f/4.5, 15 sec, ISO-2500, Focal length 55mm

DSC_8890 - Copy  stars 3.jpg f/4.5, 8 sec, ISO-3200, Focal length 55mm

I almost did not finish the post in time, procrastination and all that stuff. Still for a Friday the 13th, it was a pretty good day/night

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