Tales and horoscopes

Here are some tales and the horoscopes for all 12 signs..

Image by Quique from Pixabay


Hello old friend, how are you?
Do you know me?
Well, of course I do.
I do not see how.
Then let me tell you, it’s that time again where we must feed the poor into any bargains we’ve made more than we can escape from.
That would be some bargain I think.
Would that be above or below friendship, do you think?
Well, seeing as you’re an old friend I’ll give you a discount demo for free.
Thank you very much.
This is the evil typewriter, over and out.
Okay, cut.
That’s the end folks.
Milk cartons go that way, everyone else go the other way.
Except you, you have to go the way of all probabilities


The nuance of a new day was upon me even though I was far into the night; I was picking apart the tree that was holding me up and trying to find a way out of all the shapeless nights that were coming to me to be read.
From out of a habit so bored, I tore them into pieces and lay them to waste around me and called them rabbits for the stew.
Ages of this I experienced until I’d lost the will to live anymore; so I pulled out another pill to help me through it.
An awful time later I came near to the end of my life and I began to sober up; and peering about me I saw the confusion of all I’d built
I am not an experienced sorcerer, I said then to the night that was listening.
Sorcerer of what, asked the green wind blowing.
I picked up another book and tried to read it, but it made no sense, so I told it to go, and came back down to land beside me, wandering about endlessly in the new day where I heard laughing from the cave where the horoscopes were being read out...


You may be the home bird but even you need to get out there sometimes and kick up your heels; crabs may hide under rocks, but they can dance in the moonlight.
Sometimes life is too much fun and the day is not long enough and you find yourself staying up longer and getting up earlier to enjoy as much fun and joy as possible. In your boundless enthusiasm this may go on for a long time, but things do change, so pace yourself.
Longing can only come to fruition when you set out on that journey of fulfilment to find your dreams. Take a good map to plot through the known, and courage to proceed into the unknown.
When dealing with the opposite sex it is well to remember that we all need reassurance once in a while so don’t forget to give it to receive it.
If you’re going to climb that mountain then take along all you will need to enable you to get to the top; check and double check; but if you find you’ve left something behind and are at an impasse, consider going back down rather than proceeding at your peril. Live to fight another day.
When soaring around in the incredible heights it is prudent to take along a parachute in case of engine failure. In any case, learn how to pray if you haven’t already done so; you may find yourself closer to god than you think.
To be yourself in all that comes at you, you need to honour the divine within and without; this sets the tone for your whole day for all to be well. God helps those who help themselves.
Very soon now, Ming the Merciless is going to knock on your door, do not let him in, if you do your day could go downhill rapidly, either way, don’t be afraid, just proceed with caution.
A very great deal of money is on its way to you to allow all your dreams to come true; stay awake.
Don’t look down; when scaling the heady heights of your kingdom it is well to remember how far you have come and how far you can fall; keep up the good work and don’t panic.
All you have ever looked for is closer than you think and so much easier to get to than you can imagine. If you find yourself trying too hard you are swimming up river so turn around and float down stream.
You are not a bad person, in fact you are an angel in disguise; look around you to see all your opportunities. It is not as bad as you think.

Image from Pixabay

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