Conway's Game of Life

TL;DR: I'm not very good at math. I don't study AI. I'm just a creative guy.

I learned of Conway's Game of Life a few weeks ago, while listening to Joscha Bach give a lecture concerning cognitive AI. I then spent the following 4 hours learning how to use Golly (the game platform). Once I found my bearings, I got creative. (example shown below)

I appreciate the game for what it is — a creative endeavor (imho). Infinite creativity facilitated by an efficient algorithm. An effective algorithm embodied through striking productions. To a pattern seeking mind, this is life. A game of chaos & order, black & white.

Despite my laymen understanding of the game & its true purpose, I have a few (unfounded?) questions:

  1. Is this a study of the macro or micro?
  2. Is this a pure or applied science?
  3. How many dimensions can be simulated?
  4. Am I looking at bits of data, or bits of reality?
  5. What distinguishes the player, the game, & the observer?
  6. Suppose (basic) quantum mechanics are written into the game's rules. What happens?
  7. Two prime elements are present in the game: on & off (1 & 0). Can you introduce a third?
  8. Can other maths be represented (in) & applied to the game? (e.g. physics, irrational numbers, encryption, etc.)

Thanks for reading/watching!

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