How to make cardboard furniture for your kids β™²

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Getting creative with cardboard is not only a really fun way to pass the time with the kids during these cold winter days, but it is also a great way to create zero-budget furniture which no one is going to stress about when the kids add their own creative contributions to it.

Sabrina & I met 4 years ago and not long after this she told me she wasn't creative, but I didn't believe this for one moment.


A recurring thought

When she was a child an art teacher told her she wasn't creative and she has been playing this thought over and over since then, believing it to be truth.

I happen to believe that each and every one of us is born creative and have consequently been encouraging her to follow her creativity without any fear of judgement.

And look what happened!

Here she is creating the piece you can see at the top, somewhat reluctant to proudly pose for a photo, as you can see.


Here is our daughter Luna posing perfectly in front of a Sabrina original doll house.


For Esteban she made a place to put... whatever fits!


Sabrina's latest creation is this house for both of them, which when finished will have curtains and shelves on the inside.


Kids really love having a semi private place of their own.


Sabrina & Esteban were both hard at work this afternoon, lost in their own worlds. And why not? There is nothing better than the feeling of being engrossed in a creative project.

I am constantly impressed by the sudden bursts of creativity from my kids and I feel sure it is because Sabrina & I have been setting a high standard.

Esteban helped me make this a few weeks ago.


We really had a giggle putting together the scene.


Keep collecting

Above our fridge is the main cardboard dump now. Any boxes or interesting looking creative stuff we come across on the street ends up here.


Sabrina's work tools

For extra strength she has been gluing first and then stapling. The glue gun is for the bits which hold the most weight. The cutting blade is useful to create easily bendable grooves in the card.


My own contribution to this frenzy of cardboard creativity has come in the form of a simple, moveable game which permits them to roll balls down these gutters. My intention is to create enough of these things to keep the ball rolling around the entire house πŸ˜ƒ


In recent months I have been enjoying some card creation, using coloured card.

This is one I made for Sabrina's birthday.


Signed by all of us naturally ;)


Here is a card I am working on for Sabrina's mother, under the guidance of Esteban who decided on the police monster truck theme.


This is the (almost) finished card.


So, we are ALL creative and if you believe different it is most likely because you are repeating an old thought which is not truth.

Blessings to you all my creative crypto friends... it's time to find a use for all that old cardboard! πŸš€

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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