Struggle ofa girl


Me The Macbeth standing in front of you to explain what I faced and how it effected me mentally and physically despite of the fact that I wasn't Guilty. But who cares ? Do you people care ??


No one Cares.

​What can we expect from the society when our parents and siblings leave us alone in troubles for the sin we haven't committed.

​This was 3rd anniversary of her organization and she was satisfied with the struggles she made to bring this day.

Today was somehow special day for her and her organization as today ​​PM of the state was cheif guest and was more determined to explain her Moto infront of authorities who can give security to who ever they want.

Her eyes were shinning like pearls. she don't want to be proud but today she was.

​She looked towards the sky With tears in her eyes falling from eyes directing towards fair neck of her and entangled into beauty bones. They weren't less to stop there soon they crossed the border and digged into the Bristles of her chest and mixed with sweat.

​These drops were falling like a thunder on her chestity She come up the same pain whenever something hit her. That's the reason She never offered her nipples to her only son to feed from. Whenever she tried to do so she developed the feelings a night some years before she felt.

The pains

          The sorrows 

             The restlessness 

​The Helplessness

​Don't know why she was drenched into sweat as she wasn't affraid either nor confused as she has her clear emotional come up with strong DELIVERY skills.

​This might be her energy which she needed today more than ever to caught the PM in her words and at the end she was quite successfull.

When she delivered her emotions in the form of words a huge applause of appreciation she faced as usual and PM himself gave her a Standing ovation.

​Now it's The Turn of Political Pesrsonality to speak for her right.

​All set for his welcome to the dice and here he is

​Myself Prime minister of UTOPIA state

says on the oath of my honour I won't let born a new Macbeth in my state again....

​These were the words she listened and get blindfold aahh that night ? I wish I could wipe that night from my life




​I don't want to wipe that actually because if that incident hadn't occurred how I got ​


​With me ?

​She went into past and start thinking how a couple of hours ruined her life completely.....

She can remember the night she was coming back from office as her boss asked her to do extra work because the next day was holiday.

​But who knows the next some hours will be coming to make her life worse than hell and every day will be the same day for her.


Two boys stopped the Uber she was boarded in. And picked her out PUT HER into thier car and take her to the place to eat her happiness her chestity her life her honour and most importantly to swallow the humanity just because of their Sexual satisfaction....

S​He cried

She shrieked

But no one was there to listen her in the dark night the night taking away her faminity her honour her chestity and herself with every passing moment she was loosing her conciousness she couldn't cry anymore she couldn't resist any more she couldn't fight she was dead inside and she was


 ​ahhh I wish men could understand whores are there to quench their thirst  for  sexual activities. Why they always choose a pure soul to blot 

​I wish they could understand the easy pronounciation and painful impacts of the word "RAPE"

​THEY Scratched each and every part of her body she wasn't resisting anymore. And that's their win. They chewed her lips,wounded her earlobes made injuries to hidden and apperanative part of her body and the scars they left on her soul were not to be removed ever never...

​After three years still now she has disfigured lower lips and that's the impression of being Used without Consent.

​Here beside the pathways of empty rpad she was thrown like a garbagge after 12 hours of continous humiliation. When she remained there for some more time no human came to rescue here a


​ Was sent from heavens to take her to hospital. He called her parents and told them the whole story. There in the hospital they said we haven't any daughter please call her real parents.

​So can you feel it ???

​Story begins here.

​Her parents disowned her,her siblings leave her,her boss who was the main cause even bother to know the reason of her absence,her future husband closed her eyes from her existence and in short she was left alone with a

​ Standing fan

​Lower to her bed.

​She asked him. Why don't you leave me ?

​No I am not here to leave you but to stay. We have to fight this struggle you are the victim for a reason. No one can fight and feel for others untill they face the same. Now you better know how it feels to be defeminized. You are choosed to fight for rest of the Girls you are mean to rescue others.

​But who are you ? SHE ASKED

​ME ? Standing fan pointed finger towards him.

​Yes you ?

​I am Standing fan from heavens an angel in the form of courage and only you can see me. You can say

​​Standing:​To be with you forever

​Fan: ​your follower you will find me at your back

​From now to next we are meant to rescue our women from the Cruelity of emotions of Men.

​She closed her eyes. The tears ? No one knows why she was crying or these were the tears of pain . Pain of being Injured internally as well as externally. Pain of left alone. Pain of words Standing fan saying to her.

​She was indecisive.

​its 6th month to the incident She is feeling better now the scars from her body starts healing and she developed strong immunity for the troubles of upcoming life.

​as she know Standing fan is with her having strong sportial powers to bring the situation of their choices and will defend her this time.

Two years passed .Shee is hostilized now with a son about whom she don't know whose DNA he has.

Today After continous Struggle of 3 years having endless moments minutes hours and days of pain she is successfull to fight for the right of a women and at least she has played her part to rescue the remaining from the pain and destructions of this deadly word "Rape"

​She has her own organization a news channel only dealing with the cases of victims of harrasment and likewise.She is more stronger than before.

​She never allowed her circumstances to hinder her way to reach her destiny and at the end of the day she has whole state with her for women rights and PM on the stage saying Macbeth We are with you in this struggle.

​After listening her name again she wakes up from thoughts and clapped for herself Standing Fan smiled and disappeared for good because he has done his work by becoming the inner power of Macbeth to fight for her right.

​I have done it

​It's my win

​Its our win

​Thank you Standing fan.

​She closed her eyes again.

​And PM ended with oath to protect his State from the curse which torn the lady into pieces.

​Curtains are down she has won her honour in society again her Son called her Mama mama up

She hugged her and said I will never allow you to be a coward man.

​Heavens were smiling as it's win of victim to become a master.

And Said

There is victory for those who want to win,who make struggles,who fight for rights,who never Quit.

Thank you for reading 😁😁😁 I am sorry for too long 😂 but Its not my fault my mind made me to write more and more 🙈


FictiousStory For a title #StandingFan

Cross shared at Uptrennd 😊

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