My Steemit Inspired Sofa Design


Hi Everyone,
One of my true passions in life is design and to draw inspiration from nature and things I come across or discover in life and try to integrate these things in to my design.
The steemit logo has been in my head recently and it got my creative pulse going.
Always when I do try to create something I try to find a theme. I then break it down, twist and turn, find out my perspective, and then I carefully choose the pieces I want to use to build my design.
When I think of the steemit logo i think of water, but more importantly I think if the powerful changes water can undergo. Water is very special because it is the only known substance that can exist in gaseous, liquid, and solid phases within the relatively narrow range of temperatures and pressures found on planet earth. I right away decided that I wanted to reflect all these properties in the design.
When I think of liquid I think of movement and the same goes for steem, so naturally the shape of a wave came to me. I tried to exaggerate the lines of the wave and include the organic lines which you can find in the steemit logo and came up with the lines below.
In order to capture the solid state of water I decided that the material that it should be made of would be transparent acrylic, it makes it look like the wave was frozen just before it would break.
I think overall the design is cool and the hollow structure would make it very interesting to sit on. Of course this is just a concept design but I thought I would share it with you guys! Hope you like it :)

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