DIY mom: Make you own fire starter - by @altacbotha

I am not sure about other countries, but in South Africa we are famous for our braai (BBQ).Many of us do it at least 2 - 3 times a week. It can be costly to buy fire starters, especially if you have to use a lot when the wood is still wet. I want to share a solution that I use and works like a bomb.

Step 1:

Use old or new cooking oil and your egg holders. (I normally use the old cooking oil)

Step 2:

Pour a little oil in the holes just enough to just wet the surface

Step 3:

Pack the wood on top of your holder and light

Enjoy your fire!

You can also use other paper-based materials that will absorb the oil. I sometimes use cardboard box with paper cloth - but the egg boxes work the best!

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