Embracing Creative Commons. Living in Bliss in the Hinterland. Serti Silk Painting. Art.

They call me.
The Rainmaker. I harness.
The energy of tropical sunshine and rain.
Bringing sweetness to the earth and all that she flowers.

This week I have been researching:

AND NOW I'd like to share my first Creative Commons image
And explain why I've decided to wholeheartedly
Embrace Creative Commons.

The concept of Creative Commons is not entirely new to me. Although I wasn't aware of the actual term Creative Commons, by the early 2000's my heart was already stepping away from the practice of copyright after being deeply immersed in its legalities. SEE BELOW.

It all began after twelve years of painting on silk, along with the promotion and marketing of this work through all manner of group and solo exhibitions in art galleries and high-end retail stores, as well as various trade and craft fairs around Sydney.

Silk paintings like Living in bliss in the Hinterland were designed to touch a viewer with their vibrant colour and symbolic intimations. As well as being seen in person in many different venues they were also reproduced as cards and prints.

As it was always my wish that the the healing energy I wished to infuse these paintings with, would be felt by as many people as possible: What better way to do that now than to make them available as Creative Commons images?


Living in bliss in the Hinterland.
Handpainted on Silk by Alison Lee Cousland.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Living in bliss in the Hinterland

This painting was designed to support someone welcome and delight in change. To acknowledge that:

Change is the only constant.
There is nothing permanent except change.

The prospect of a relationship falling apart, or any of the myriad of life's circumstances changing can sometimes be quite daunting. We feel change is inevitable and that it may even be for the ultimate best. Yet why do I have this tightly knotted feeling in my solar plexus, restricting my breathing and my ability to even feel anything?

Looking at Living in bliss in the Hinterland will support you because:

The frog as a spirit animal or totem reminds us of the transient nature of our lives. As a symbol of transition and transformation, this spirit animal supports us in times of change. Strongly associated with the water element, it connects us with the world of emotions and feminine energies, as well as the process of cleansing, whether it’s physical, emotional, spiritual or energetic. ~Elena Harris. Source: Frog Spirit Animal.

You may wish to optimize your health by changing your diet, exercise program, waking and sleeping routines: Or deepen your relationship/s with your partner and/or parent/s: Or increase the range of your creative expression.

You may not know how or where to start: Just that you see the need and know you must instigate change in some form.

Looking at Living in bliss in the Hinterland will support you because:

Like the Green Tree Frog the Cooktown Orchid of northern Queensland loves water ~ Your emotional nature. Her gentle feminine beauty will soften your resistance to changing the things you wish, deep down to change. Absorb her violet openness as you make a start, and let her graciousness carry you into making those changes.

My journey: The short version.

After participating in a single morning workshop on how to paint on silk in the late 80's, I experimented by myself for several weeks with a variety of silk painting techniques on different silk fabrics.

My ultimate aim was to draw and paint on silk in very fine detail and in order to achieve the degree of fineness I wanted, I developed my own techniques of Serti Silk Painting.

There is much still to share with you about my silk painting journey: The enchantment of the medium, the road paved with gold, as well as the challenges and disappointments I faced.

Stepping away from the practice of copyright after being deeply immersed in its legalities.

By the mid 90's my work was recognized in Australia, for its fineness of detail. And I was facing the age-old artist's dilemma: How to have enough quality time needed to produce new paintings when the marketing took so much of my time and energy?

Was it my desire to find someone who could take care of all the marketing for me that led me to introduce myself to a woman, who immediately loved what I was doing and suggested we negotiate about the reproduction of my work.

Can you imagine how tantalizing the proposition of: An entire store dedicated to my artwork, similar to Ken Done's Gallery and his Shop sounded to me?

The VERY short story: After weeks of exchanging and modifying The DEED with regular visits to the Arts Law Center of Australia I had to walk away from it all. But I walked away with a much better understanding of copyright and a far stronger determination to develop whatever it took for me to be able to market my own work.

Creative Commons Licenses.

Of the six different Creative Commons Licenses, CC BY is the most liberal.

This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. Source: About The Licenses.

At the moment, because the legalities of Creative Commons are all new to me, I've chosen the ShareAlike License for Living in bliss in the Hinterland because this License will ensure that any work derived from it will also be available under the same license terms.

NOTE: This is also one of the mechanisms that will enable the growth of digital Creative Commons.

Terms of CC BY-SA.

  • This ShareAlike license will allow you to reproduce and/or manipulate this image even for your commercial purposes.

  • You are required to attribute me, Alison Lee Cousland as the designer/artist.

  • You also need to be willing to license any of your new creations that make use of this image, under the identical terms IE allow others to reproduce and/or build their own art upon your art, as well as granting their right to commercial usage.

I know I haven't adequately explained yet why I've decided to wholeheartedly embrace Creative Commons. I expect my ideas and feelings about Creative Commons will continue to unravel, when I share more next time.

T H A N K ✽ Y O U ✽ F O R ✽ Y O U R ✽ V I S I T1.png

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