Science Vs. Religion (You're Doing it Wrong)!

The only reason religion and science seem to be at odds today is because the only thing either side can agree on is that the the other is wrong. The fundamentalists presume that the bible is meant to be interpreted literally. This forces them to reject any scientific discoveries that do not mesh with their preconceptions. What atheists don't realize is that they are inversely guilty of the same thing. They base their total rejection of the bible on the same literal interpretations! And, since science so easily debunks what they think the bible "says," they don't see any reason to learn what it actually means. No, they just lump all theists into the same category of people who's opinions are unworthy of consideration by default. Any objective theological study is out of the question since we already know that "spaghetti monsters" and "fairy sky-men" don't exist. This total rejection that is based on a willful lack of understanding makes the atheist's position no more logical than that of the opposition. The fundamentalists say "science is wrong because the bible says..." The atheists say "the bible is false because science has shown..." Both sides are working under presumptions that only serve to perpetuate the logical fallacy of the false dilemma. The biggest tragedy is that neither side seems to realize they are flip sides of the same coin.

Let's be frank. If you find this meme offensive, you have only yourself to blame for its existence:


How about this one:


Oh darn. Didn't see that one coming. I propose a third, more reasonable option:


To recognize objective reality/truth more completely, three elements must work together. Science, religion, and philosophy. Imagine a three legged stool where one supports the other, while all three together provide a sturdy platform where truth can be clearly seen by all. Although our understanding of truth grows over time with every new discovery, truth itself remains unchanging and always visible. Religion without science is superstition. Science without religion is unethical. Philosophy without religion is devoid of substance. Only when all three work together can we begin to fully comprehend ourselves and our relation to all things. Science works to explain the material, religion reveals purpose, and philosophy is what ties it all together. Remove one leg and the stool topples over leaving pieces of the truth scattered about. When this happens we are reduced to gathering up the most convenient pieces which we assemble however it suits us. Now we can only see our own peculiar version of what truth is. Our understanding has now been reduced to a model that is incomplete, undefinable, and hopelessly distorted by personal bias. Sound familiar?

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