Bitcoin is a revolution: (ESP-ENG) In recent months, due to the stock market crash, the Ru
Bitcoin is a revolution: (ESP-ENG) In recent months, due to the stock market crash, the Russian-Ukrainian war, we have witnessed the decline of bitcoin and altcoins, so the growth of crypto has been affected, but we cannot despair! We have to take into account what it represents blockchain technology for the world and the massive adoption that it has had in recent months, from financial institutions, private companies and governments, the latter being the most important since soon bitcoin would be listed on the stock exchanges of several countries. Currently there are movements that are increasing the value of bitcoin and altcoins, a significant rise in the crypto world is coming soon and the value that currently exists will never be seen again. follow me for more content! Bitcoin es una revolución: los ultimos meses debido a la caida de la bolsa, la guerra rusia ucrania hemos sido testigos del desenso de bitcoin y las altcoin por lo que el crecimiento de crypto se ha visto afectado, pero no podemos desesperarnos¡ tenemos que entrar en cuenta lo que representa la tecnologia blockchain para el mundo y la adopcion masiva que ha tenido los ultimos meses, desde instituciones financieras, empresas privadas y gobiernos este ultimo el mas importate ya que proximamente bitcoin cotizaria en las bolsas de varios paises. Actualmente hay movimientos que estan aumentanto el valor de bitcoin y las altcoin, proximamente viene un subida importante en el mundo crypto y el valor que hay actualmente nunca lo volveremos a ver. sigueme para mas contenido¡ ![](https://somee.social/download/97aa6b10-2e5f-4375-af28-6deaeba2a164)
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