My Pencil Sharpener 6.18.2020


This is my Bostitch pencil sharpener with a crank. This is the kind of pencil sharpener that I used to use at grammar school when I was a kid. I really like pencils when I was a kid as I would always make mistakes then and I could erase.

As a kid I remember I lost my pencil while at school, and being a kid that didn't talk much I didn't tell the teacher. Well, everyone called her, teacher in those days. That would be in the 1960's.

I think things like not having a pencil gave me a panic attack. Of course with the mind that I have now days, I would just lift up my hand and say, Teacher I don't have a pencil at the moment, can I please use one of yours for the day?

Well, shy guys just don't do stuff like that. Well, I should say, I didn't do stuff like that, as I was a pretty quiet guy in class.

Can you imagine if I could say that to the teacher in those days, I could have easily gone to all the cute girls in my class and say, Hello, my name is David, what's your name?

Can you imagine if I even knew that trick of introduction and requesting a name in return, I would have been more popular in high school?

Well, I didn't know that in high school either.

I think they should teach salesmanship in high school by someone that is a real salesman or at least someone that did sales at one time in his or her life and was pretty good at it.

Well, in high school, we had metal shop and wood shop and even home economics.

I liked home economics cause we cooked cookies, but we also cooked steaks and even chicken adobo.

But let's get back to having a sales class in high school. Well, I sure like listening to the Zig Ziglar tapes when I was working for the telephone company and wanted to get into the residential business office. I heard that they had to do sales and that is what some of the people didn't like.

Well, as an operator for the telephone company I had to get my numbers to a certain point before I could transfer to the residential business office.

Then after all that studying of sales on my own with the help of Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy and other great sales audio. The residential office in my town closed. Someone didn't like their bill or something and brought a gun and shot up the place. I think no one got hurt, but they closed the office after that.

Well, then if I wanted to still do that transfer I would have to work out of town and commute. Well, I didn't want to commute.

Then some years later, at the operator services where I was at, they said were going to sell the Business Category Search for an extra charge of course.

Well, that was right up my alley and I started to study the sales again, at home and in the car. Yes, listening to sales audio in the car is like killing two birds with one stone.

Well, do we really want to listen to music or something that can help with sales? Well, I wanted to be sharp on sales.

My manager did get me a report before I retired and at the end of 2010 that I had more reward certificates than any one on the western coast under the AT&T name. Well, to me they were just pieces of paper that they printed out on there copy machine and signed.

My youngest sister at one time came over to help me clean my house and saw these certificates that had to do with sales. She told me that I should put them up on the wall. I told her that if I did that I wouldn't have that much wall space as they gave me a lot of those papers.

Well, all I got to say is when sales came to my operator service office, I would have to admit that it became more fun to go to work.

And I would always want my vocal energy very high. Well, I would listen to the other operators that were supposed to sell, but didn't and when they did their vocal energy was lacking.

Well, my high vocal energy sure did help out with the sales. OK, so we started out with a pencil sharpener and are ending with sales.

Now days instead of listening to sales audio I am listening to scripture audio at home and even when driving a vehicle.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, But his delight in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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