A Very Thick Flag Pole 6.19.2020


I took this picture about 2 weeks ago while I was shopping at Curry's. So notice how thick that pole is?

So what is going on? Well, inside the thick flag pole are cell panels. This is a way to hide a cell tower.

Well, I don't think it is good to have cell towers all over the place. Well, cause those things cause cancer.

I remember a school that had a thick pole where 2 children that went to the school got cancer and they wanted the school to take down their thick pole with cell panels in it.

I guess with people getting cancer from these cell towers with cell panels with in the pole, is why they want to keep it secret.

How do I know their are cell panels in this thick flag pole? Well, I remember as they were putting it up.


Did you see the cell panels before they covered them up and painted it? Yes, those sneaky type of people, that think out of sight, out of mind.

Well the cell panels still hurt people.

I have seen other cell towers that are hidden in a makeshift palm tree looking thing.

Here is another one that is close to the Winco store that I like to go to.


So this is the new look of cell towers and they are still very dangerous. So know this new look of them that I have noticed lately.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16.

Sources 1, 2, 3

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