La esquina de la locura


Oye que haces~
-Despierto alterado- Alterado por la conmoción, trate de encender la luz.
-Caigo al suelo mientras tiraba golpes al azar-
-Me asusto por lo que veo y todo se me pone en negro-
jajajajaja -literal todo se me pone en negro-
una negra de 3metros estaba parada en frente de mi y al verla a los ojos se desvanece como si fuese un fantasma.
-Antes de desaparecer por completo me dijo con voz muy grave "Me llamo carlos y quiero que me recuerdes"
La verdad todo me parecio muy raro porque al pararme todo estaba normal, el sueño no se si me dio un mensaje pero espero que no porque tengo dias que no salgo de mi casa.

-Todo esto fue escrito y yo leía la carta que estaba cubierta de sangre, al lado estaba el cuerpo sin vida-...


Hey what are you doing~
-Woke up upset- Altered by the commotion, I tried to turn on the light.
-I fall to the floor while throwing random punches.
-I'm startled by what I see and everything goes black- -I'm startled by what I see and everything goes black-
hahahahahahaha -literally everything goes black- -literally everything goes black- -a 3meter black woman was standing on the floor.
a 3meter black woman was standing in front of me and when I looked into her eyes she vanished as if she was a ghost.
-Before disappearing completely she said to me in a very deep voice "My name is Carlos and I want you to remember me.
The truth everything seemed very strange to me because when I stood up everything was normal, the dream did not give me a message but I hope not because I have not left my house for days.

-All this was written and I was reading the letter that was covered with blood, next to it was the lifeless body....


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