The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.15 EVO

With peace returning to Pangaean society a 200-million-year long period of stability was noted to occur from the year 600’000’000 B.C.E. to the year 400’000’000 B.C.E.

For much of this time the Pangaeans simply rebuilt their civilization and essentially entered a kind of technological stasis with further technological advancements highly scrutinized and usually rejected fostering a lack of innovation in their species civilization with a conclusion that their civilization is the apex they can achieve without advancing further and thus destroying themselves as seen by the Machine Beasts Rebellion that they had created.

Primarily we see advancements in the evolution of natural organic lifeforms during this time frame beginning with the formation of the Ozone layer over the planet Earth. This was inconsequential to the Pangaeans who could resist the intense radiation of the sun’s rays and radiations due to their uniquely evolved biology since they hailed from Thrintun Food Yeast and the Black Moon of Lilith.

For naturally evolved organisms this was extremely beneficial to them for the decreased amounts of radiation and the intensity of its rays being curbed; allowed their cells to gather together into more complex shapes and divide more frequently into greater and more larger forms.

This ultimately culminated in many new lifeforms that had evolved just before the current Eon that we now live in. These lifeforms evolved in the range of 575’000’000 B.C.E. to 544’000’000 B.C.E. Examples of these lifeforms include: ediacaran biota, early arthropods, early fungi, mollusks, comb-jellies, sea sponges, coral, sea anemonies, and small shelly fauna which all evolved during this expanse of time.

Most notably there was an icon of this period of evolution in the form of a Mollusk by the name of Kimberella that lived around the year 555’000’000 B.C.E. as one of the first of her kind!

The Phanerozoic Eon Begins

In the year 541’300’000 B.C.E. the Phanerozoic Eon began alongside the Paleozoic era and the Cambrian Period all at the same time. Yet only the Phanerozoic Eon would endure until the present day. For no event has been great enough in our history since then to end this Eon and start another one by academic consensus.

For the rest of this Historical account though we will be zooming in more and more on the individual periods that make up the Phanerozoic Eon and eventually the individual Millennias, centuries, and eventually years and months at a time as we progress further and further into our History and more and more events occur.

The events of the Cambrian Period were mostly centered around the famous Cambrian Explosion with multiple different species such as fish, graptolites, and Trilobites evolving over the span of the years 541’300’000 B.C.E. to 521’000’000 B.C.E.

Only two other major events of note occurred during this period one of which being the breaking up of the supercontinent Pannotia on the planet Earth. The other event was an event in the galactic sphere.

In the year 500’000’000 B.C.E. the Ancients wishing to distance themselves from the increasingly volatile intergalactic political tensions and hostilities and conflicts among the many great galactic superpowers had created the Sohnen species.

The Sohnen were one of the first completely mechanical species who were only created for the purpose to act as messengers and heralds for desires and requests for the ancients. Acting as the Ancients mediators and nothing else this species was also given its own nation to avoid the problem of the Reapers attacking the Ancients homeworlds.

The Scramble for Eden

Legends have it that at some point in the Ordovician Period or the Silurian Period from the years 485’400’000 B.C.E. and 410’000’000 B.C.E. two creatures; (though it is certainly possible that there were others) who were originally born as fish had resolved to embark on a personal journey of self-actualization.

One of these lifeforms would resolve to simply be the highest evolved organism on the food chain for his own power to gain Gaia’s blessing. The other one had once had a dream of the Goddess Gaia and this one was enchanted by her soothing, heavenly voice and he resolved to meet her by any means necessary because of its enchanting it had felt when Gaia had spoke to it!

The one who sought power merely Journeyed through evolution, the other organism dared to search for Gaia’s Eden. A heavenly realm that Gaia gave love to all living things in, where no organism was disturbed and they were in turn forever nourished by Gaia’s warmth and kindness. The challenge for these two organisms was then to fight to survive and become stronger than all other organisms with their own reasons to survive and journey into evolution or even seek out Gaia and Eden for their own purposes.

That was the goal for a great many of the naturally evolved organisms on Earth at the dawn of this period and the future quickening trends in evolution suggest this. From 485’000’000 B.C.E. the first Jawless fish had evolved. By the year 450’000’000 B.C.E. natural plants and Arthropods colonized parts of the solid Earth where the Pangaeans and other organisms lived. Even sharks had emerged from the Scramble for Gaia. And then by 420’000’000 B.C.E. some oceanic lifeforms start to come up to the surface to breathe air!


As we have stated before evolution was sped up by numerous factors such as the Black Moon and Thrintun Food Yeast but the presence of Gaia influencing naturally evolved lifeforms to evolve quickly to adapt or die changed the course of the earth dramatically!

It is now that we start to see the earliest forms of adventures or quests undertaken by sentient lifeforms with clear accounts taken and recorded for our records. This period also serves to change the course of the Earth’s future by eventually creating new lifeforms and species that the artificial lifeforms such as the Pangaeans will have to interact with in the future.


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