The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.14 The Birth of the Baranoian Machine Empire

In the year 635’000’000 B.C.E. in the Ediacaran Period the Marinoan Glaciation finally came to an end thus beginning the period formally. The glaciation had a profound effect on the lifeforms on Earth as the mages and mostly Lilin and artificial humans that had ancestry dating back to Thrintun Food Yeast had survived in large numbers.

This group of survivors of the Marinoan Glaciation in their legends and mythology had triumphed over the cold and believed themselves to be chosen by the gods to be fruitful and repopulate the land with their future generations to return warmth to the planet and thus the Pangaea Civilization was founded on that spot naturally; and over the next 35’000’000 years it would grow and prosper and miraculously stay united all throughout those very years!

Catalyst’s Omen

Ultimately as Pangaean society advanced; just as the A.I. Catalyst had predicted earlier in our historical logs; the Pangaean’s would create the Machine Beasts; artificial mechanical lifeforms built to serve the Pangaeans and live alongside them in harmony from their perspectives. And again, as Catalyst observed with many civilizations previously these Machine Beasts did rebel against the Pangaeans to forge their own society rebelling against their masters and war began again.

Many of the leading ‘rebel machine beast’ leader’s names are lost to history but one name stands out for his survival of these harrowing times: Bacchus Wrath an ambitious machine beast who while being caught up in the rebellion of his fellow machines became radicalized in their visions of a ‘Machine nation’ and a ‘machine empire’ and he resolved to make that a reality by fighting the Pangaeans and taking the Earth for his race that he belonged to.

The First Super Ranger

The Pangaeans were nearly destroyed by their own Machine Beasts in the resulting civil war between the two species. But then as the Pangaean legends claim; ‘one day a great super hero had emerged to light the darkness and despair of the Pangaeans-’ this hero’s name was KingRanger; known to us now as the Pangaean called Riki.

Riki had called upon a special variant of Mantra and magical energy known as Super-Power that he used to become the KingRanger and with his new found super strength and the powers and abilities at his disposal thanks to his magical staff the King Stick he almost single handedly saved the civilization of Pangaea!

In the aftermath of this conflict Riki was hailed as a hero of the Pangaeans and a savior of their society! But all was not well during these times of celebration as the Pangaean mystics and seers had predicted that the machine beasts would return as the Baranoian Machine Empire to destroy Pangaean society and humanity as they knew it!

To prevent this future from coming to pass Riki himself elected to go into a state of suspended animation in the hopes that if the predicted future came to pass he could be reawakened in Pangaea’s hour of most dire need to save human civilization once again from the brink of extinction and hopefully bring an end to the Machine Beasts once and for all.

Only two other lifeforms joined Riki in his slumber and they were; the young priestess candidate Dorin and her pet lizard Paku. Official records and legends of Pangaea justify this by claiming that the seers or Riki himself asked for Paku to join him to help him channel the Super-Power needed to become the KingRanger again. Though some claim that this may have been the result of a quarrel between the ruling mage families to gain more power over the Pangaean Religious clergy and authorities and simply more prestige for themselves over their opponents and rival families.

Regardless of why it came to be though Riki, Dorin, and Paku would enter their states of suspended animation until the Machine Beasts would return or a crisis would necessitate their revival. Thus, was peace restored to Pangaea and it was agreed that artificial life must have its limitations and measures were taken to change Pangaean Society, culture and civilization to reflect this aftermath and event in their history to stop it and similar incidents from occurring again in the future.

The Fate of Bacchus Wrath

As the mystics and the seers predicted the Machine Beasts still lived in the form of one sole survivor: Bacchus Wrath. Accounts differ on the exact specifics of the events but generally the way Bacchus escaped proceed as such:

During the final space battle in the Earth Sphere (i.e. the space around the planet Earth in this case) Bacchus Wrath sensing that this was the eleventh and final hour for his species’ existence and to preserve and save himself more importantly. He decided to steal one escape pod for himself and he made sure to time his launch just right so that it would look like it would look like nothing more than space junk flying from the mothership as it was being destroyed.

Sure, enough this worked and Bacchus Wrath evaded his death at the hands of the King Pyramider giant robot as it destroyed the Machine Beast’s last remaining mothership in a tremendous explosion!

What happened to Bacchus Wrath on the other hand was that his escape pod landed on the planet Baranoia. A planet whose culture is lost to us as Bacchus Wrath’s efforts to terraform and wipe away any semblance or reference to its history were very thorough. No records exist today of Baranoia’s past or its landscape before Bacchus Wrath had founded the Baranoian Machine Empire.

Was there life on the planet? Did Bacchus Wrath encounter any resistance to his plans of forging a new galactic superpower? We may never know. What we do know is that he was very successful even if these scenarios we speculate are present or not, and in the background of the intrigues and the wars the Forces of Sentience would fight with the Reapers; one of the mightiest empires the universe had ever known was being wielded and manufactured…

Cog by cog…

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