Canadian Vaccine Injury Tally Update November 15th, 2021

In the two weeks since Health Canada last updated their COVID-19 vaccine injury statistics, there have been 172 new reports of severe injury by vaccine, including:

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+83 cardiovascular/circulatory incidents (like stroke or heart attack)
+14 Bell's Palsy
+3 Guillain-Barre syndrome
+5 deaths
+4 miscarriages

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That's 200 Canadians (proven under an intensely difficult process) since Halloween that have died or permanently disabled themselves because the coercion was too much. 200 Canadians have ruined their lives because they've been told there's no other way for them to feed their family or visit their loved ones in care facilities. Now they want to start injecting 5+ year-olds for whom the survival rate is literally 99.9%; the only children ever having died from COVID were severely ill statistical outliers.

Health Canada Update November 15th, 2021

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