How to Keep Your Wits as COVID-19 Infecion Rates Rise


As COVID-19 infection rates rise worldwide, people afe beginning to wear thin. We have been in this for most of 2020, and now it is a marathon. What can we do to keep our wits as the world falls apart at the seams over COVID-19?

  1. Focus on your physical health.

Your health is number one. If you don't have your health, you have nothing. The infection thrives when you are unhealthy.

  1. Focus on your mental health.

Take breaks, read real research and news. Avoid the sensational news stories.

  1. Focus on what you can do.

Can you start an online business? Can you begin a new home-based exercise routine? What can you control? Make sure you are a top performer at work, and that you are saving money.

  1. Focus on what you cannot change.

You cannot change others behavior. You cannot influence policy at the state level. Stay home and stay safe.

Keep your head about you, stay safe and stay blessed.

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