Our last 24 hours in quarantine... We are finally free!

Yesterday we got our coronavirus clearance checks done by the nurses and the sheriffs. Excited to be cleared and ready to fly home.

To be honest quarantine was fun... An interesting experience that we will remember always. But once we had a house in Brisbane sorted we were all busting to get out and head home.

Kudos to the Australian government and our hotel for the way they have dealt with everything.

Hard to believe so many people were complaining and comparing their time in quarantine to being in jail.

I don't think they really have any clue what a real jail would be like. We were brought 3 meals a day, we could order groceries and Uber eats. I even had a few 6 packs brought up to our suite once the bottles of spirits had evaporated. 😉
We had KFC delivered, KFC in Cambodia is terrible, so it was nice to have "Real KFC" again.
We even had McDonald's for the first time in nearly 10 years, Cambodia is one of the only countries in the world without a McDonald's... And to be honest after eating it, I don't feel like we missed anything.

We were originally scheduled to check out at 9.30am, but were awoken by a phone call at 5.30am saying our bus would be leaving around 8am. We quickly woke the kids and made sure that everything was packed. Luckily we had heard from others who had finished quarantine before us that their check out time had been pushed forward several hours, so we were pretty much packed and ready to go the night before.

Finally some fresh air, and it was a nice chilly morning, a welcome change to the constant heat we are used to in Cambodia.
Our family of six were they only ones on the bus also. It was an interesting drive through Sydney city. I have never seen the streets so empty, everything was shut and barely any traffic on the road.

Even the airport was empty, all but 2 check in booths were closed. Only one coffee shop open. I have never seen Sydney airport so deserted.

We've already been here for about 3 hours, only another 4 hours to wait and we will finally be on our final flight back to Brisbane.

Everyone is really excited now, albeit very exhausted also.

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