Breaking curfew and Jumping bail

Well not sure about the rest of you yet for me this lock down is getting kind of old. This is not said lightly. My demographics is in the killer zone. My age is so ripe they pay me for being so old. But something is not quite right, in my opinion, with this lock down business.

Any time they gave me a TB test during my school years it would come up positive. Somewhere and sometime during my childhood years in hospitals for my corrected club feet operations the TB germ got close enough for me to fight it off and my body now shows anti-bodies against it when tested.

My mother practically locked me in a room with my brother who was sick from the mumps; which was standard practice back in the day, so don't think too bad of her. It wouldn't take. They continue to try to put fear into me with stories with what it is like for men to get mumps later in life. You know, after your balls have dropped. Not buying into the fear.

My feeling is that we should have locked down any senior that wanted to be locked down. We should have paided caregivers in old aged homes 24 hour a day pay, with inconvenience pay on top, to stay on site 24/7 until the flu had passed. Meanwhile let those less in danger continue on with their lives and build up anti-bodies so that when those old folks came out of their quarantine there would be a buffer between them and a resurgence of the virus.

You can bet the farm that come July when things are relaxed that the virus is going to rear up, again, around September and no one is going to be immune. Then you will probably be given the choice of taking a vaccine or being welded into your place of residence.


It was with great pleasure to find my bicycle store open. Guess they are considered an essential service. You're damn right they are! 😎

My old Schwinn, off trail, was starting to feel a little heavy to an old guy like myself. Particularly since getting saddle bags and being the main source of grocery delivery to the home.

We found a nice upgrade in their stock. An OPUS. Disk brakes. Nine gears high and low. Light alloy frame. Lovin' it!

Captured a bit of a ride down to the harbour this afternoon.

A View from Halifax Harbour

On the way to the grocery store there is an Elderly Home which is normally on my route. Something caught my ear so stopped to investigate further. A bit of Corona Consulation was going on Nova Scotian style. Enjoy! 😷


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