A retrospective

It has been about a year since my last blog posting and it seemed to be a good time to give some retrospect to the year. Circumstances surrounding the pandemic were concerning me in February of 2022. The Truckers' Convoy seemed to address those concerns, tampering down some of the authoritarian aspects of the pandemic. It gave one the realization that they were not alone in their resistance to the experimental medical procedure being peddled by authority.

As we move away from that period there is no feeling of victory, for me to have resisted the medical advice, but it seems more like the lifting of the barrage. A temporary silence from propagandist bombardments, as we await the next assault. An assault against natural law which shall be likely weaponized in the application of CBDCs and Digital IDs.

One might argue that these are monumental times in which we live. Technological forces seemingly evolving so as to shape and foster, in our societies, a hive mind of sorts. A network of thought where the individual still exists, yet are constantly monitored and overseen so as to administer appropriate penalties to discourage undesired behavior by the hive's allied AI. Programable monies, potentially, nothing more than programable ration cards.

Yet we must do our part as we did to protect Granny. After all the homeland is under aerial balloon incursions.

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