They got too damn impatient with boiling the frog and turned up the heat too fast. Now the frog is jumping out.


This is an article from a private company, Architects for Social Housing. It begins by listing very supportable facts about the Covid Pandemic and Lockdown crisis in the UK. Really good ammunition is given such as this item:

We know that the Government has looked at the legal barriers to making vaccination compulsory for a disease with a fatality rate of 0.23 per centacross the population and 0.05 per cent for those under 70, and has not ruled out making taking such a vaccine a condition of access to public life.

Just what I needed. Ammunition. But then we splash down into a vast wet jungle of rhetoric lit by swamp fires; which makes me doubt the intention. Where am I being led?

Either we are, in reality, facing a civilisation-threatening virus to which our governments are responding with degrees of incompetence and opportunism but to a genuine and real threat to public health; or the whole thing has been manufactured by a conspiracy of powerful individuals and organisations whose names and initials we are all familiar with by now, and whose immense wealth and influence enables them to grind the organ to which our various governments are dancing.

I don’t believe either of these answers to be correct. I have spent the past year showing why the statistical data, medical reports and coronavirus-justified legislation do not corroborate the veracity of the first answer. But I also don’t believe that the refusal to believe this blatant lie means believing the easily-dismissed second answer that there must — therefore — exist a conspiracy of political, economic and technological powers which have either manufactured this deadly virus in a secret lab in Wuhan or fabricated the effects of a virus whose genome still hasn’t been sequenced. On the contrary, I believe it is this binary response — a deadly virus or an even deadlier conspiracy, neither of which is supported by what we know about the world in the early Twenty-first Century — that has stopped the truth about this crisis appearing to those who are looking for it.

“Easily dismissed” idea? We now know that the viral spike protein was manufactured. And we know that if a distinct coronavirus exists it would have been very unlikely to have come from nature but rather it would have been modified sufficiently to be called manufactured. No sample of this virus has been presented for examination. This must mean that either a distinct virus does not exist – and there is good reason to suppose this is the case – or there is a virus but it has been hidden behind proprietorial rights, in itself an indication that it must be a manufactured chimera.

In any case we know now that the mRNA vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer were manufactured before the alleged outbreak in China. The mRNA sequences, the spike protein sequences, the lipid nanoparticle envelope were made by computer reconstruction of various genetic sequences. This has been done by private companies and these products have been mislabeled “vaccines” and promoted as such by public-private combinations circumventing the law at every turn. If this is not conspiracy the word has no meaning. What we know now constitutes a RICO case, a violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act on an international scale. But this writer tells us there is no corporate conspiracy? My nose for falsity is twitching.

My answer to the question — Cui bono? — rests on a paradox. Its initial premise is a widely-accepted one: that, rather than explaining this crisis, the various conspiracy theories about COVID-19 — like most conspiracy theories — are a product of this crisis… far from undermining the ideological hegemony of the official narrative about COVID-19, these conspiracy theories are a crucial part of the construction of that hegemony.

The use of the term ‘conspiracy theories’ arouses my suspicion. When so much evidence is before us of actual conspiracy, to have the author insinuate this phrase meaning that the imputation of a conspiracy is false ipso facto, which is exactly what the phrase was invented to do, arouses my suspicion. The term ‘Conspiracy theory’ was invented by the CIA to discredit people who suspected that there had been a high level conspiracy to murder John F Kennedy. The phrase was invented to be toxic linguistically, to be a terminological weapon, in order to break up and vitiate pubic discourse about the Warren Commission and it has been used subsequently for the same purpose with regard to other issues ever since.

The next section is called “The Power of Nightmares”. Where are we being taken?

I want to begin by challenging the explanatory power of conspiracy theories in general... The best place to start is with one of the most widely accepted and institutionally supported propagator of conspiracy theories, Adam Curtis… a conspiracy theorist, a term they would reserve for believers in the ‘Illuminati’ or a ‘flat-earth’. But the reduction of all conspiracy theories to occult or scientifically-disproved beliefs…

Now we are introduced to more specious rhetorical tricks, the ad hominem attack and guilt by association. Whoever Adam Curtis is, and I’m not familiar with him, his name is juxtaposed with ‘Illuminati’ and ‘flat earth’ and called ‘scientifically disproven’ regardless of what the man may have said in order to demolish the idea that there may have been a real conspiracy to put a needle in every arm containing a bioweapon.

I would have no problem with anyone arguing legitimately by presenting facts and evidence. But that is what this author is deliberately not doing. He is using innuendo, ad hominem and a linguistic weapon of confusion, ‘Conspiracy theory’. His opening paragraphs sound reasonable but they have led us into a tangle of gibberish masquerading as argument. At this point, If he has actual argument to offer he’d better come out with it quickly.

… conspiracy theory that is increasingly being used to dismiss all ideas and beliefs not sanctioned by the institutions of the state… despite the content of his numerous and award-winning television programmes — all of which, on the face of it, contradict and undermine what such institutions tell us about the world and recent historical events… are available on an almost permanent basis on mainstream broadcasting platforms like the BBC where they are categorised as ‘documentaries’ and never bracketed with other ‘conspiracy theories’… who benefits from the production, televising, and availability of these apparently subversive accounts of everything from the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the causes of the Iraq War to the power of the media and the 2008 financial crisis…

Hold on. So Mr Curtis, this writer says, talks critically about real issues of our time like the Iraq War but this author objects to the BBC not ‘bracketing’ his content with “other 'conspiracy theories’”? So this author slips in the assumption that questioning the origin of the Iraq War is the same as promoting "Flat Earth" or similar craziness? That is called ‘Begging the Question’. Down it goes like a fine oyster before we can even taste the falsity of assuming the conclusion in the body of the premise that Curtis’s content is false ipso facto because it imputes conspiracy. The BBC is involved in a real conspiracy to inflict false conspiracies upon the public? Isn’t that what’s being said?

What all of Curtis’s accounts share in common is this: that history is made by a small group of individuals in positions of political and corporate power… It’s a persuasive model of history whose theoretical simplicity is concealed behind the myriad of intuitive and tenuous connections Curtis draws between public and private organisations, whether Governments or corporations, and the secret dealings of their leaders…

There is evidence including the outright statements of intention by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Peter Daszak that in fact history is being made by a small group of individuals who command enormous power politically and financially. As an inveterate history enthusiast I can tell you that what we are reading here is a very standard argument deriding the influence of people upon historical events as being “The Great Man theory of history” and therefore silly. We have in hand evidence that this boilerplate argument is insupportable in the face of facts.

He goes on in exactly the same vein using the same tricks and logical fallacies repeatedly. The next paragraph begins with guilt by association. I feel like I’m being taken for a ride. After much more on the same theme and never letting go of poor Mr Curtis...

This is straight out of the dystopian accounts of the power of nightmares to create reality that is the bread and butter of Curtis’s phantasmagoria. And just as the coronavirus crisis has produced a spate of conspiracy theories about its origins…

Marx was right. When the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production… Capitalism has a grip on the world the like of which it has never had before… But there is no single government or corporation ruling the globe, no secret society whose members sit on every cabinet and board…

The CIA and its allied secret Intelligence networks have agents and assets in every major medium, print, TV, and internet, on the face of the globe. And all major ‘mainstream media’ has been concentrated in a very few hands and is universally persuading the global public in one direction.

This is not the nineteenth century. And we are not engaged in theories of history. We are facing the question whether to allow ourselves and our children to be injected with an experimental chemical which, according to official government sanctioned institutions including VAERS, is producing deaths and injuries on a scale unprecedented in the history of vaccination. And all of the citizens of every government on earth are being subjected to arbitrary police intimidation, universal confinement to house arrest and the deliberate destruction of their means of livelihood to make them submit. But this is all just our fantasy?

What is lacking in Curtis’s model of history — the conspiracy theory of history — is its mediation through capitalism… But capitalism is also a cognate of ‘capitalise’… As a registered community interest company, Architects for Social Housing is contacted daily by a myriad of companies seeking to capitalise on this crisis… pharmaceutical companies selling cheap, easy and reliable RT-PCR and Lateral Flow antigen tests for the regular screening of staff…

Reliable? That is false, “reliable RT-PCR tests”? This is a lie. This is support being given to fraud. Several long sections follow this, all reiterating what Klaus Schwab has frighteningly promised and reinforcing the power of governments and corporations to crush our normal lives and all our democratic rights and common procedures in a new and rapid revolution coming down from the top and worthy of frightening the wits out of us all. He goes on in the same vein for long paragraphs so I’ll skip to the end.

Minerva’s owl has taken wing. The streets of Bladerunner’s abandoned planet look comforting beside the strangeness of Peckham on a winter’s evening under lockdown. What terrors, what horrors, what unimagined shapes have been so rapidly assumed by that dull world we so recently inhabited. How quickly all that was solid has melted into air, all we once held sacred has been profaned — and by our own hands. But when will we be compelled to face with sober senses the real conditions of our life, our real relations to each other? Because it’s to their reality, and not the conspiracy theories of our impotence or the fantasy of return to a world that no longer exists, that resistance to this nightmare will awaken.

This final paragraph, let me summarize it. Now we know that we have been popped into the can and our world is now scarier than Blade Runner, only for real. The only way to oppose the all powerful new tyranny is …? I’m lost already. What was the point of all this? I was expecting a conclusion but there is none, except a statement of the obvious. We’re hooped, screwed, blued and tattooed. Thanks a lot. Minerva’s bloody owl is screeching in my ear while I’m trying to reload, aim and fire accurately.

I’d rather listen to people who offer me real facts and evidence rather than gas. I’m frightened enough. Give me some reason and honesty. I’m on the front line, as are all of us in the cross hairs of the vaccine campaign. I’m making the decision whether to run or surrender or help to rally my comrades in the line. I need ammunition. Give me the facts.
This guy started out with some great ammunition which I’ll take and thanks. But his intention in summarizing the dire facts was rather to emphasize how powerful and frightening our enemies are and what lousy odds we have in our favour. Am I right?

Who the hell is this guy working for besides a company looking to benefit from social disruption? And he’s a very doctrinaire Marxist working for Capitalism and promoting the image of our enemies as being all-powerful? This smells funny. It also smells familiar. It’s got that CIA smell; my antibodies are excited.

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