CoViD-19 True Pandemic? OR Disguised Powergrab? You Decide

Good Quarantine Day Hivesters,


I say the above in a sarcastic fashion simply because it's become the new word for Lockdown, Shutdown, Civil Rights and Economic Destroyer. I will dive into how Local Governments, Globalists organizations, Wall Street and the Fed are using this crisis after we talk about the most important thing: Misinformation about the COVID-19 TESTS.


It is now becoming more obvious by the day that there is lots of Misinformation out there coming from suppose creditable resources such as the Government agencies like the CDC or NHI. We even hear about Doctors now labelling a death covid-19 when it was due to other conditions. There is also talk about the COVID-19 Tests giving FALSE POSITIVES RESULTS to fluff up the numbers to JUSTIFY THE TAKING OF OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES AND RIGHTS. While at the same time destroying our economy and lively hoods.

The Covid -19 test is a rt-pcr viral load test created by Kary Mullins who specifically said this test isn't for testing VIRIUS's

Here is a great article on the test below. Please Read if you care about not being BULLSHITTED by the MSM and people of facebook claiming they had it and it went away without affecting their family members. How do they know they had it? Because they were told by their MEDICAL AUTHORITY of course which tested them with a test that gives false positives for detecting VIRUS'S.

It basically states that the CURRENT TEST doesn't achieve Koch’s postulates. The German bacteriologist Robert Koch in the late 1800s, can simply be stated as:

Purify the pathogen (e.g. virus) from many cases with a particular illness.)
Expose susceptible animals (obviously not humans) to the pathogen.
Verify that the same illness is produced.
Some add that you should also re-purify the pathogen, just to be sure that it really is creating the illness.

(PROSTULATE DEFINITION: suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.)

As described in the article above the tests fails.

This raises the question... Why and Who would want to give out false positives to a potential Harmful Virus?

To answer that question we must look at some other organizations within our economies.

Lets Start with the GLOBALISTS ORGANIZATIONs like the WHO the Bill Gates Foundation (there are more but too many to focus on)

The WHO has been caught misinforming the world about what is going on. Back in January when something was going down in China they just basically said everything is okay nothing to worry about even though its spreading to other countries already. They didn't call it a pandemic until March 6th...WTF? (Also when Canada got lots of 5 g towers online)

WOW thanks apparent Watchdog... Just let the enemy slit our throats while we sleep.

Then we Got this MotherFucka Bill Gates walkin around preaching to all these Networks saying "the only way we can stop this pandemic is with a vaccine that my Company makes. Cheers. "

Like WTF. That fucker Bill Gates funded the Wuhan lab in China that released the Wuhan virus. Bill Gates’ was a member of China’s Academy of Sciences who built the lab and he was awarded their highest honor.

Here's a great article on the connection here.

Basically Globalists want depopulation and control. The best way to do that is with FEAR...ENTER COVID-19

Local governments are snatching control in ways never thought of. Such as social distancing (so ORWIELLIAN) possible mandatory masks, shutting down of business's and small businesses which is the lifeblood of any economy, and the LEFT are getting there way with a version of BASIC INCOME which anyone newly unemployed now gets because of the shutdown by GOVERNMENT DECREE.

They are using the TESTS RESULTS for justification.

They now have us scared to see one another and unable to assemble or protest because its against the law to be in GROUPs now.

So meanwhile there is all this stimulus spending which a good chunk of it is going to Wallstreet who has been built on a land of FLUFF and Disillusion of credit and debt.

The so called COVID-19 crashed is horse shit. The crash was well in the cards in the 2019 summer as the 2yr and 10yr bonds inverted which always pertains a recession. Also the elliot waves were suggesting a top and so were other TA indicators that I won't get into ATM.

Either way all the company buybacks and fluff needed to get settled sooner or later. COVID-19 was the perfect cover for big players to liquidate Huge SUMS of CAPITAL. Like the Chinese players, Wallstreet and other Insiders like politicians.

It gave them a scapegoat to blame COVID-19 instead of all the Fucking fluff they have inflated into the market. Basically pointing the finger at something else and redirecting the blame. It was the Federal Reserve, WallStreet and Local Governements that enabled the Bubble to get as inflated as it did with reckless spending and credit expansions in order to FIGHT THE FORCES OF DEFLATION.

Now that we are in deflation mode they decided to conveniently blame COVID-19.

Now their response is ignorant and stupid in general.

Get this...Their fix is to do exactly the same thing that got us into this fuckin mess in the first place it's crazy.
Except this time lets shut everything down and print even more currency into circulation and really fuck things up.

Here is Mike Maloney on Deflation. Great Man and anyone can learn a lot About MONEY for free with him, just look for hiddensecretsofmoney on youtube. Here is his Deflation Video.

So to Some it all up we have a faulty COVID-19 test that is being used to Justify the Taking of our Economy, liberty and rights.
Wallstreet and the Fed are working to pumped the economy up and dilute the purchasing power of currencies which will bring in possible food shortages and rising prices. THis should be Cute. Depopulation is not justified scientifically at all. Only losers and easily fooled people would think otherwise.

At the end of the day there is alot more at stake then your Health.

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