California Ordered to Shelter in Place - Updates on my Personal Household

Three days before the school system in San Diego Closed, I started a "shelter in place" for me and my children

I am seven months pregnant and in close proximity to my parents who are in their 60's, so I figured it was a necessary, personal choice.

I changed my grocery shopping habits from every other day, to a couple of times per month.

I stopped going to malls and parks an other public places.

Then the ordinances started coming in

It made me nervous, but since I was already doing most of those things, I kept calm.

Now all my cousins and aunties and uncles who had been out and about with no worry would be forced to protect my grandparents (who we all see often). Many of them kept travelling, and making jokes about being in crowded grocery stores staying in line for hours, but I figured eventually they would get all their supplies and then stay home.

Bars and gyms closed down, restaurants closed and only offered take-out services, grocery stores started changing hours so they would have more time to restock and clean their store.

I was ok. I had already shopped and was staying home anyway.

Then yesterday, we were ordered a "shelter in place"

Although it is still exactly what my children and I were doing before, it changed my perspective.

Now I can be fined if I am out of my house doing something that is considered "non-essential."

They say that the police will not be enforcing the $1000 fines/or 6 months jail time consequences for leaving your house, but it still makes me nervous.

It's not really Martial Law, but it is difficult to argue with those that are calling it that

There is already lots of military personal in San Diego.

"They" are docking a military ship on our coast "for medical reasons"

They have yet to tell us what is going to happen to that dang border that separates me from 1/2 my extended family.

Many people are no longer allowed to attend work.

All public places are closed including children's playgrounds, and malls, along with what was closed before.

We are still being encouraged to go outside for walks an exercise

Then they want us to go home, only going to the grocery store if we "have to"

I was enjoying my self imposed, safety measure quarenting, but now that it is mandated, I feel a little caged in

It is odd. I was thankful to be keeping myself out of harms way. I was thankful that at 7 months pregnant I got a break from all the usual crap I have to do. I was happy to stay home.

And now I feel like a rat in a cage, just because a governor told me I had to.

Psychology is weird

PS. I am having a hard time uploading images. Will edit to upload them.

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