The Making Of Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Marica Vilibic and World Beyond

Marica's post:

I started working on this project around June. Marica @silentscreamer contacted me with this idea for our next cover song and I thought if we were going after the Lion King I had to make this right.

There's nothing quite like childhood memories. Back then it all seemed like wonder, the cartoons we watched for the first time, the places we went to, the music we listened to growing up and the emotions we experienced. The Lion King was one of the most influential animations of our childhood and its masterpiece of a soundtrack will forever take a special place in our hearts.

I decided that a good place to start was trying to find a middle ground between the two variants of the song, the piano by Elton John and the in-film soundtrack version.
The lyrical structure was taken from the Elton John's song while the instrumentation and tempo heavily rely on the soundtrack version. For the climactic part, I felt like adding punchy studio drums would work nicely with the African percussion instruments and the male choir chanting allowed to make this part of the song more rhythmical and powerful.

Marica who put all her heart and soul into this project delivered one of her most sincere and moving performances to date. From the highly emotional and melodic violin solo to passionate and engaging vocals. The music video produced in collaboration with Ratko Ilijic channels and amplifies these emotions with visuals to bring it on a whole another level.

In the end, we're happy to finally have it released thanks to our awesome distributor Soundrop and just excited to see your reactions online so don't be shy and show @silentscreamer the love she deserves!

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