Cover A Steemian - steembirds (crypto babes)

Cover A Steemian - @steembirds (crypto babes) - feat. @pluto.princess

Hello my fellow Steemians

Today I finished a project I was wanting to do for a long time.

We loved the song Crypto Babes by the @steembirds telling the story of trying to find the Crypto Babes of Steemit.
So we thought we go on our own quest to find the Crypto Dudes of Steemit.

We wanted to cover the song either way and then we stumbled across @pechichemena 's great idea of #coverasteemian . Seeing as all things just fell into place here is our parody/cover 'Crypto Dudes'

PS: Crypto Dudes if your out there, holla at me and at @pluto.princess ;)

Crypto Dudes

Steemit got crypto dudes

I'm on Steemit for the crypto dudes

I want a guy from the trending page

I want a guy in the dolphin stage

I want a guy with a CPU

Don't care what it does but I pretend I do

I want a guy with a mining pool

Weekly payout are just so cool

I need a guy the size of a whale

Who upvotes every thing I say

Where can I find this boy?

Steemit's got crypto dudes

I’m on Steemit for the crypto-dudes

Steemit's got crypto dudes

They're super nerdy but kinda cute

I want a guy with a witness node

I want a guy that knows how to code

I want a guy who can read a chart

His crypto gains fill my heart

I want a guy with portfolio

When he cash out he buys me a Lambo

I want a guy who knows how soon

Steem is heading to the moon

Where can I find this boy?

Steemit’s got crypto-dudes

I’m on Steemit for the crypto-dudes

Steemit’s got crypto-dudes

They're super nerdy but kinda cute

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