Covalent - Let you enforce smart policies over the internet.

Last two decades usage of internet increased a lot, especially after the invention of smart phones and social media platforms. Smart phones and internet given us opportunity to connect, communicate to family and friends. Now instead of sending letters which was taking days or weeks to deliver, email helping us to share personal or important information with our closed one within few seconds. But whatever communication we do over the internet, someone is always keeping track of it. Now some might things what these people are going to do with such information. The Answer is they will sell your data and earn money from it, no I am not joking. Some sites might not directly sell your information, but they do use your personal data to show you advertisement which they think you might be interested in. They do it openly and you can’t do anything about it. In fact, at the time of opening your account they ask you to agree to the terms and conditions which is clearly in favor of these social media sites.
This is not the only case, there are many cases of data hacking as well. Stealing personal information over the internet is not new. But these hackers not stealing your data for advertisement purpose, but they are stealing your personal as well as financial related information such as credit or debit card number or internet banking credentials and all so that they can steal money from you. There are many such examples where your personal data is exposed and is being used by other for their personal use.

How to prevent your personal data from being used by others? Either all the social media sites, financial domain, email and other service provider should give us option to select how our data should be used or its should not be used at all for any other purpose. But why will they do that? Their main revenue is from advertisement. And to prevent your data from hacking, only option is not to keep your data saved online anywhere. Can internet protocol itself do that? No, internet protocol is by developed to send data from location A to location B. It only knows how to send data, it won’t care who is using it and for what purpose.


Imagine a new Internet composed of Smart Data that remembers, keeps a secret, learns from its users, and is open for good. A successful data usage control would need to regulate what happens to data in the future after access is granted. Covalent is a new addition to the Internet protocol suite that specifies and enforces how data should be used. Covalent protocol data carries a “smart policies” which defines what should be done with the data. No internet protocol will take your data from one end to other and at the same time, Covalent smart policies will tell what to do with that data once it reached to the destination.
So, if you are doing financial transaction then at the same time you can enforce smart policy that your card information should be deleted immediately after a successful transaction. You can define how many times your e-book can be shared. You can also specify, that an ad or disclaimer must be viewed before the rest of the content.

A project needs public support to become successful one. Covalent team is taking part in meetup and interacting with people, developers and technology experts. Recently Covalent team was in Vietnam. Covalent team co-hosted the Vietnam Blockchain Use Case Workshop with Origo and Ludos, on the evening of Sep.17th. Many people joined in the workshop and discussed the application of COVA with Raymond Gao, one of COVA’s co-founder. It was successful event. Before that team was in Istanbul. As a part of COVA’s strategy to find partnerships and media presence around the world, COVA team attended many events in Istanbul.

I already like what Covalent is trying to achieve. Since the whole world is going digital now and that too without proper data security. We need such protocol which can enforce smart polices to prevent our data being misused.

Project’s social media channels are the best place to get the lasts news, information about the project. Here are some of the official channels of Cova -


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