Today alot of our single brothers and sisters place great importance on the appearance of a prospective spouse. If he does not have six pack abs and gorgeous hair I will not even consider marrying him. If she is not fair skinned and slim I do not even want to know her name. Really? Have we become so vain? Does beauty guarantee you a happy marital life? Will that beauty even matter after a few months of marriage? Does a beautiful body and a picture perfect face secure you a pious, caring, appreciative, honourable and loyal spouse? Beauty fades but a beautiful character who loves you for the pleaure of ALLAH will always be a means of comfort, hope, fulfilment, motivation, compassion and love in this world and in Jannah Aameeen .

Do make dua(prayer) for a spouse who will uplift you and inspire you to be a better Muslim or Muslimah.

Do make dua for a spouse who will respect you and honour your body, mind, heart and soul.

Do make dua for a spouse who will be loyal and honest to you

Do make dua for a spouse who will be your best friend and confidant.

Do make dua for a spouse who will be the coolness and sprakle of your eyes illuminating your life.

Do make dua for a spouse who will value you for who you are and encourage you to be a better person.

Do make dua for a spouse who will benefit your imaan and remind you of ALLAH .

Do make dua for a spouse who will be your strength when you are weak, your voice when you cannot speak and your beautiful garment of protection.

Do make dua for a spouse who will be an exemplary example for your children.

Do make dua for a spouse who loves You..for the pleasure of ALLAH .

Do make dua for a spouse who loves ALLAH .

Do make dua for a spouse that will be yours in this world and in Jannah Aameeen

Remember to seek the one that is seeking ALLAH .

May ALLAH grant all our single brothers and sisters with the best of intentions when seeking a spouse and may ALLAH grant them a beautiful married life. Aameeen

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