Ba Ranub in Aceh's customs

hi friend steemit, my post this time about ba ranub and adat aceh.
Ba ranub or carry betel is a sacred tradition in the aceh adat during the procession of marriage. This habit continues to be maintained for generations.

Before ba ranub, first the family will send a messenger called seulangke to deal with matchmaking. If he has got the girl in question, then first he will review the status of the girl. If no one has, then he will convey the purpose of proposing to the girl.

On the day that was agreed came the entourage of the elderly men to the home of the girl's parents by bringing betel (ba ranub) as a binding booster.

In the procession ba ranub, betel used is betel selection. Then the betel-betel was used to make a crown that resembles kupiahmeukutop, the shape of the hat of Sultan Iskandar Muda.images.jpeg
Sultan Iskandar muda

How to arrange it is not easy, it takes a special skill. First it takes a banana shoot that is about 100 centimeters long to be placed in a legged leg. Banana stem as a place to put betel leaves in a circle to form kupiahmeukutop.

To be more interesting, usually decorated with a hammered pinang seedlings, gambier, lime and clove flower wrapped in colorful paper. Another tobacco loss.

In the habit of the people of Aceh, eating betel is a common thing done by the people of Aceh. Eat sirih incomplete if not added all the knick-knacks mentioned above.

Other equipment when ba ranub is batee ranub or cerana without legs filled with grain. Like the seeds of rice, cucumbers, pumpkins, and turmeric. In the middle of the grain was placed a ring or gold necklace as a dowry. Then the wrapper was wrapped in yellow cloth.

After the application is completed, the man will beg leave to go home and the woman's family asked for time to consult with his daughter about whether or not the application is accepted.

According to parents in Aceh, the process of ba ranub is a binding relationship between the family with a candidate dara baro (bride). Where, betel in Aceh has a symbol of glory.

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