Pretty Little Psycho


The odd experience of loving a person for what you perceive them to be - versus what they really are - is, I think a far more common experience than most are willing to realize.

Perception - is often a lie - mostly because people are encouraged to put on a front. It is seldom acceptable to be yourself when you are in a competitive environment - because your competition may be capable of perceiving weaknesses which they may be able to exploit.

In that context, the False Front - is a decoy. It allows you the freedom to hide vulnerable areas of yourself to potential enemies.

Trouble comes of course, when your projection becomes more important than that which is inside you.

In a large and complex social structure, where you are likely to not be recognized as you would - say, in a small village - your image becomes your lifeline. What you project becomes far more important than what you are composed of.

Countries do this - also.

America essentially lost the Space Race to Russia with the Russian Orbital Satelite - Sputnik.
To assuage those fears - Kennedy proposed landing a man on the Moon.

An impossible feat considering the technology at the time. But certainly not impossible to fake - considering you had profoundly great talent available at that time - to exploit.

Stanley Kubrick gave a masterful performance as a director of an event that never took place. So good in fact that most people reading this today in 2018 will have no idea about what I am refering to.

Some projection - BECOME reality.

However, at some point this disjoint between perception and actual experience - will decohere. And then reality bifurcates (at least in your mind.)

Take the Trump election.

The projected image was one where we would have a female President. But it never happened.

Recent events - like Bill Cosby and Allison Mack - both having had wholesome images on TV - are suddenly exposed as predators of innocent women - have contributed to a bifurcation of the perceived reality of millions around the globe. And there will be consequences.

What those consequences ARE may be impossible to tell at this point. However, it is clear that this bipolar reality will shift all future events that thus far, have been fairly predictable - in one way and not the other.

Reality simply cannot tollerate a hard fork.

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