YES .The Living Cancer In This World

There is zero victory in defeating your evils by sacrificing the good within you.Similarly, there is zero victory in using wrong methods to achieve right results.

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The statement the end justifies the means is often used by villains and its often said to explain their inhumane/unaccepted tactics in dealing with a situation. We live in a world where most people feel insecure and think the world is cheating them. Its true because we even cheat ourselves of our own rights. I did a recent survey on how people see corruption in Ghana after a recent brouhaha due to corruption that has left the Ghana Football Association in halt and dissolution. One may ask what qualifies to be corruption. Corruption is a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. The recent brouhaha in Ghana has exposed the cancer in the Ghanaian economic system. Personally, i believe corruption and bribery destroys the society yet almost every one is corrupt. Corruption fills the immediate desires of an individual and leaves him destroyed at an atomic level. Every corrupt individual is undoubtedly greedy and greediness leads to unsatisfactory life.

My recent survey among my peers showed that each and every one of them is ready to accept bribery when they are blessed with the opportunity of a higher opportunity. I wasn't much surprised by their responses as it has become the basic home ethics unknowingly. We teach our kids corruption without knowing and they intend amplify it into greediness. I was exposed to corruption in a very tender age. We are all born innocent. Society is what determines the fruit we are going to bear. Its very sad that our society teaches us corruption even unknowingly.

I remember as young as 10 years old, a friend of mine had a teacher who would take bribe to expose his question to some of his pupil. This same teacher will refrain from beating the kids who choose to pay this ransom. Its funny how we preach a message and do the opposite of it. Pupils will listen to what you say and repeat them but will never do what you say until they see you doing it. Its as simple as that. Thats why its easier for a kid to be influenced by his/her peers.

Lets Solve Corruption Together

Corruption, no matter how small it is should be treated as serious as it is and shouldn't be left to grow. We show our kids how to be corrupt and when they grow, we expect something different from them. Success through corruption only breeds greed and unsatisfactory life. Learn today to teach your kids the right morals and traits in order to save our future.

I personally believe our generation is a lost cause to change corruption but we can inculcate the right ways into our kids. We don't need to do any extra work than to teach our children the right way and it will sink in forever. Belated happy fathers day to all fathers who will help kill the cancer we are dying from. Have a blissful day.

Leave behind your ideas in fighting this cancer and lets make the world a better place. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

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