Bombshell: Hillary Clinton, DNC Colluded With Russia In An Attempt To Steal The Election From Donald Trump

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Authored by Alex Thomas via,

Fresh off the heels of a shocking report, published by the Washington Post, that confirmed that the infamous "Russia dossier" was actually funded by both the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, an even more startling revelation has emerged – The Clinton-DNC machine colluded with the Russians to fabricate and spread serious disinformation about Donald Trump in a failed attempt at swaying the election in the favor of Hillary Clinton.

That's right, in a literal reverse of what the entire mainstream media has fed the American people for over a year, we now have evidence that, either wittingly or unwittingly, the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for what amounted to disinformation that came directly from "Russian sources".

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Obviously this may seem truly unbelievable to some, but the facts speak for themselves and there is no denying that Democrats paid a shady opposition research company to try and dig up dirt on Donald Trump who then subsequently hired former British spy Christopher Steele. Steele then openly used Russian sources for most of the serious allegations in the "Russia dossier".

Clinton Lawyer Hires Fusion GPS For Disinformation

According to The Washington Post report, which was later confirmed by Politico, Clinton and DNC lawyer Marc Elias hired the "opposition research" (see disinformation) company Fusion GPS who then outsourced the work to former British spy Christopher Steele who eventually went on to release the "Russian dossier" which was chalked full of disinformation, including lurid sexual allegations against Donald Trump.

The fact that the Clinton campaign would hire Fusion GPS in the first place paints a clear picture of a campaign willing to pay for any dirt on then candidate Donald Trump whether it was true or not. This becomes even more clear when you consider the history of Fusion GPS itself.

As Breitbart reported, "Fusion GPS is not some usual-usual oppo-research firm. Among other things, the company has been accused of being a "Democrat-aligned misinformation firm" aligned with Russia. While refusing to cooperate with congressional investigations, including taking the fifth, Fusion GPS has also been accused of advocating for "the interests of corrupt Russian and Venezuelan officials while hiding its foreign work from federal authorities."

The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway also noted the serious allegations against the company:

At a July hearing, Senate Judiciary members were told Fusion GPS helped advocate the interests of corrupt Russian and Venezuelan officials while hiding its foreign work from federal authorities.

Fusion GPS has been accused of illegally working as an undisclosed foreign agent and is currently refusing to comply with federal subpoenas for information on its foreign clients.

Fusion GPS also has deep connections to the mainstream media, including the fact that it was literally founded by a team of former mainstream media reporters who have deep connections to those currently in the profession.

Again Hemingway notes:

The principals at Fusion GPS are well-connected to mainstream media reporters. They are former journalists themselves, and know how to package stories and provide information to push narratives. They are, in fact, close friends with some of the top reporters who have covered the Russia-Trump collusion story.

_Fusion GPS has placed stories with friendly reporters while fighting congressional investigators' attempts to find out the group's sources of funding. Fusion GPS leaders have taken the Fifth and fought subpoenas for information about the group's involvement with Russia. _

Their close friendships with key reporters on these stories have paid huge dividends for the firm, although these friendships and cooperative relationships have not served the public well.

Former Spy Used "Russian Sources" For Infamous Trump Dossier

This is where the story turns from shocking to downright unbelievable, especially when you consider the year long mainstream media disinformation narrative that claims that the Russians helped Donald Trump win the election.

The spook working for Fusion GPS, (which was hired by the Clinton campaign) Christopher Steele, openly bragged about his sources being within the Russian government itself.

Buried deep in a report by Vanity Fair that spends thousands of words trying to pretend that the dossier could be legitimate, is this nugget that paints a picture of direct or indirect collusion between the Clinton team and Russia.

How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was "a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure." Source B was "a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin." And both of these insiders, after "speaking to a trusted compatriot," would claim that the Kremlin had spent years getting its hooks into Donald Trump.

Source E was "an ethnic Russian" and "close associate of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump."

After "gathering" the information, Steele was then directed by Fusion GPS to "brief" the media about the Russian government fueled allegations against Trump.

As The Daily Caller noted in July:

In one, dated May 18, Steele says that he was instructed by Fusion GPS to meet with reporters at various outlets in order to publicize some of the allegations made in the dossier.

It has been widely known that Fusion GPS and Steele were in contact with reporters to discuss the dossier. It has been reported that rumors of the dossier were floating around in Washington, D.C. political and journalist circles for months prior to BuzzFeed's decision to publish it on Jan. 10.


In the response, Steele's lawyers state that the former spook briefed several reporters at the end of September at the instruction of Fusion GPS, which was working on behalf of a Democratic ally of Hillary Clinton's.

The outlets were The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo! News, The New Yorker and CNN.

Steele met once more — and again at Fusion GPS's instruction — with The Times, The Post, and Yahoo! News. Fusion GPS took part in all of those meetings, Steele's lawyers say.

"In each of those cases the briefing was conducted verbally in person," the document reads.

In October, Fusion GPS instructed Steele to brief a journalist from Mother Jones. The interview, which was conducted through Skype, was likely with reporter David Corn.

It doesn't get any clearer than this. Fusion GPS was paid by Democrats to dig up dirt, that dirt was then supplied by the Russians, and subsequently became a major part of the narrative surrounding Donald Trump and Russia.

"What you clearly have here is the Clinton campaign openly COLLUDING with a foreign country, with the Russians, to fabricate scurrilous lies about Trump, which were then fed to a willing media as a means to affect their news coverage, and by extension, sway the election," Breitbart's John Nolte wrote.

Fusion GPS "Was Acting On Behalf Of Russia"

Amazingly, testimony and evidence already exists that Fusion GPS has in the past worked directly for Russia and may have been doing so with the Trump disinformation dossier.

At a Senate Judiciary Hearing in late July, Hermitage Capital Management chief William Browder testified that the company was acting on behalf of Russia after co-founder Glenn Simpson was hired by a person connected to lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to lobby for the repeal of the Magnitsky Act.

The following exchange between Browder and Senator Lindsey Graham is shocking to say the least.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM: This whole story reads like some kind of novel that nobody would buy, it's got to be fiction, but unfortunately maybe it's true. Let's just break down sort of why you're here. You believe that Fusion GPS should of registered under FARA, because they were acting on the behalf of the Russians?

WILLIAM BROWDER: That's correct.

SEN. GRAHAM: So, I just want to absorb that for a moment. The group that did the dossier on President Trump hired this British spy, wound up getting it to the FBI. You believe they were working for the Russians?

BROWDER: And in the Spring and Summer of 2016 they were receiving money indirectly from a senior Russian government official.

SEN. GRAHAM: Okay. So, these are the people that were trying to undermine Donald Trump by showing the nefarious ties to Russia. Is that what you're saying?

BROWDER: Well, what I'm saying with 100% certainty is that they were working to undermine the Magnitsky act and the timing of that.

SEN. GRAHAM: But, the Fusion GPS products apparently as they hired a guy to look into Trump?



BROWDER: Correct.

When you put all the evidence together, keeping in mind that this is only what has been released so far, you can see a clear picture of, at the very least, indirect collusion between the highest levels of the Democratic Party and unknown figures within the Russian government. The scheme was then directly propped up and spread by the mainstream media.

As Nolte so aptly notes, "If purchasing misinformation from Kremlin official as a means to manipulate media coverage and sway public opinion is not colluding with the Russians to rig an election, nothing is."

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