Blog Article ; Farmers daughter is taken over by patent filing global pharma giants by Karen Colville steading and the DIY do it yourself has become popular as home economics as a means of self preservation , liberty and security of a person’s health, saving money, micro opportunities,religious communities as the Amish on farms make soaps as a means of income for child support, for Mom’s living off grid. Soap that is sourced from plants is a preference for many people, some use animal products as goats milk due to dairy allergies. Oats are used in soap products as calming the skin.It is an easy start up business. Once a little soap business is registered with the FDA, things get really complicated. The FDA searches for soap makers that can be held liable, yet large scale corporations are not subject to civil suits and get away with a lot more as adding chemicals and harsh detergents to their soaps.

FDA message is Consume and Obey, do not ever compete even on a small scale level, the industry needs people to be sick in the name of profits is constant, there are many people whom die in the approval process of the FDA waiting for a new drug. Some people care for themselves and teach others the art of soap making. What doe this have to do with soap? Medicated soaps are considered a drug by the FDA. Antibacterial soaps were not considered as to be any benefit to the consumer this was banned in the USA. The FDA is becoming more invasive on the basic rights , freedom and privacy of entrepreneurs by taking on even the smallest of business by hunting down their soap making website. Soap Makers are getting surprise visits from the FDA inspectors.

What stands in the way of economic development is a corrupted form of competition that goes like this,FDA reform is another complex process the,medical racket currently being operated by the FDA / Big Pharma tag-team, World Health Codex Alimentarus. Big Pharma is involved in multi national treaties.FDA repeatedly banned and confiscated herbs and nutritional supplements that compete with prescription drugs this actually includes artisan soaps, some contain essential oils and herbs. Repeatedly banned and confiscated herbs and nutritional supplements that compete with prescription drugs this goes on and on and is the subject of numerous books at length,because they are serving the monopoly industry, and the industry cannot make money with herbs, vitamins, and homeopathy, it tries, this is about power and control of human health.

They cannot patent natural remedies, botanicals are sourced from plants. Big Global Pharma partnered with the FDA, has registered for CBD products as drugs. Cannabidiol is a plant cannot be patented the amount of patents filed are enormous by global companies partnered with the USA. This is the bigger picture. Globalist partners dictate what companies may do what with their investments and also control the research and grants Scientists , Doctors and Medical Schools receive.

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship.” Dr. Benjamin Rush, Medical Doctor to George Washington
Amish farmer facing 68 years in federal prison for making homemade products

see Thursday, February 23, 2017 by: Vicki Batts
Tags: FDA, homemade products, natural health

I know of a successful custom soap maker that makes his soaps appear as food as a novelty for tourists. There are also couples that run soap making business in free markets, boutiques and Farmer’s Markets, Church bake sales. I learned soap making as a craft a few years ago, in a course I paid for as I wanted to gift my baby niece not to have her sensitive skin exposed to chemicals. I noticed brand named shampoos for babies had chemicals in them. I have gifted my chemical free soaps as quality of life to people suffering of Cancer,as a benevolent act of kindness, the same as gifting sage soap to First Nations Women, it is their tradition to gift the native plants this also instills trust and community building. It is shameful the healing plants with the land were taken from Indigenous people and used in commercial botanicals today.

I get requests from my American friends on face book for my soaps, I apologize, it is too risky of a venture even a small one.I explain to them, I only sell local that at all. What on earth that I decided to ever compete against the big monster of big Pharma as import and export. FDA and the World Health Organization is getting as complicated as Watergate. What health and human services?

Imagine that I use CBD oil as a nutritional supplement in my soaps, I can be held at gun point in the USA and have my home, office, farm or small business subject to inspection by a Federal agent and a swat team and be subject civil forfeiture and or fines any time.. Why this is to protect the interests of Big Pharma and their patents as it protects global trade companies with patents. Can you imagine being pulled over for soap with a trunk inspection? Where is any reason.

FDA is attempting to close four US companies that grow CBD to be used in health products.

“All four companies sell natural CBD botanical products that, for all intents and purposes, directly compete with patented pharmaceutical offerings at the pharmacy. Because of this, the FDA is now trying to shut them (and anyone else selling CBD products) down under the guise of protecting “public health.” It also just so happens that a drug company known as GW Pharmaceuticals already sells two CBD-based “drugs” that have previously been subjected to the FDA’s expensive drug approval process.” source Natural News
“The FDA can ban anything it wants by calling whatever it wants to ban a ‘drug’”More than two-thirds of those surveyed are concerned that drug companies actually pay the FDA to review and approve their drugs. It’s a situation that turns drug companies into the “customers” of the FDA corruption fueled by Big Pharma on a multi- national level. The FDA has not gone after Doctor Bronners yet.
What that your product is organic? The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the use of the term “organic” for agricultural products under the National Organic Program (NOP). If you have questions about the use of the term “organic,” you cant use the term “natural “either. I wanted to sell my soaps in America under Free Trade, US Customs and Border Protection, it can be held up at customs, my product is subject to federal inspection, it can be considered as illegal. I’d be required to register my product with the Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC, it regulates the ingredients and level of items used in the soap, CBD is considered as breakthrough therapy then it must go through a rigorous breakthrough therapy process, then I’d have to pay for lab testing. I use hemp seed oil or CBD, it remains on the schedule as a drug. I make soaps , not cosmetics..having a direct impact.I am sure this runs into hundreds of thousands of dollars, only big pharma has the budget for.
I make hand batched chemical free soaps this is not a cosmetic, it is it subject to federal inspection, I’d be required to register my product with the Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC, it regulates the ingredients and level of items used in the soap, CBD is considered as breakthrough therapy then it must go through a rigorous breakthrough therapy process, then I’d have to pay for lab testing.. I use hemp seed oil or CBD, it remains on the schedule as a drug.
I make soaps , not cosmetics..having a direct impact, chemical free soaps this is not a cosmetic, it is considered as a drug, I use Chickweed that alleviates eczema this can be considered as a drug, it is a herb, whether I use arnica that is a flower, grown in Europe and America, that I chose to use hemp seed oil in it, it goes to the it’s not regulated as health prevention and sell local only on a private peer to peer basis, is toxic corruption US Cancer gate, the FDA registration process. It is not illegal to make natural hygiene products for self care and family, FDA regulates CBD a nutritional product as the drug heroin something is gravely wrong as corrupt, FDA may outlaw apple pie at the county fair as it does raw milk, how ridiculous as extremist, it is another matter when it comes to selling hand made products.I have had request from American friends for my soap products, the entrepreneur in myself says yes, I hesitate, there is a lot of serious red tape when it comes to natural heath products made in a home, farm or in a small factory, even when sourced by reputable suppliers. I had to advocate for America, to make hemp farming legal, so I could add hemp seed oil to my soaps, it is different when it comes to registering your product with a Government. I feel uneasy sending anything holistic of natural health over the border, that may sound crazy, it is true.
Swat teams have been sent to private health practitioners homes, simply over labeling etc, to threaten and intimidate, the FDA has intertwined it’s tentacles with the World Health organization.Natural Health Products FDA and FTC tend to over regulate in certain states, Natural Health gets the most difficult time in the state of Florida, interference drives up Health care costs.
Great news is Bitcoin insiders are helping Doctor Burzynski a Cancer Doctor in the USA. CBD helps many Cancer patients with quality of life as non psychoactive nutritional support. Using a nutritional product to nourish and protect the body is considered as a drug even it is a soap.
What we put into and on our bodies is our own business our reputation in community, what we sell requires scrutiny and private free markets a solid reputation that open and end cartel corrupt monopolies,”But, since man is imperfect and a lot of imperfections ends up in the bureaucracy and in politics and in Congress, you don’t have them writing laws, mandating this, so the imperfections in the market are minimal, compared to the mistakes made by individuals who find themselves in the positions of power and control and who can predict the big industry. That is where our real problem is. Like always, I am a strong defender of liberty and believe that if there were more freedom and freedom of choices in the distribution and the prescribing of drugs, we’d all be much better off. ” Ron Paul

Foot notes:
Regulators Try to Crush 300,000 Handmade Cosmetics Makers December 15th,2015 Jeffrey Tucker
Amish farmer facing 68 years in federal prison for making homemade products

Thursday, February 23, 2017 by: Vicki Batts
Tags: FDA, homemade products, natural health

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