Bernie is the Real Deal for the Working Class

Bernie's latest campaign add is a good articulation of how Trump is a fake populist and how Bernie is the true working class champion.

David Doel and others give good commentary on Bernie's campaign and his neoliberal rivals in the corporate wing of the Democrat Party. But the critique of neoliberal centrism is often mischaracterized. It is not robbing the poor to feed the rich. It is far worse. Here is how I responded to @daviddole.

David says corporate welfare, like the bailouts to General Motors and the GM stock buy-backs a the expense of workers, with the cost born in terms of worker lay-offs, is tantamount to robbery. He is not wrong.

But the wider truth is, in general political terms, it that it is not even robbery, it is far worse. Tax payers do NOT fund these corporate bailouts and welfare for the oligarchs. Deficit spending funds it. So it is money put into circulation deliberately aimed at enriching the 1 percent and legislated by the representatives of "the people". That's worse than robbery, it is downright systematic deliberate injustice done in our name by our representatives. It is gross and horrific, because if we consider the USA to be a semblance of a democracy this policy of neoliberal trickle-downism, which people vote in favour of when they vote for GOP or centrist Dems, is effectively the poor and middle class voting to impoverish themselves in relative terms. Robbery from the poor to give to the rich would be far better, because it would be obvious and people would fight more vigorously against it. Trickle-downism is more insidious, feeds on the myth of the 1 percent being "wealth creators", and is pure banal evil.

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