CORONA VIRUS: (always) look on the bright side(s) of life

Although personally I think this Corona virus thing is over-hyped and a very "convenient" scapegoat for the fucked up worldwide economic situation we've gotten into, it is nevertheless a serious thing which should be solved asap.

On the other hand. Lets not only look at the negative effects in cases like these, there are also positive sides.

For example:
I just called my Mother-in-Law to cancel for Christmas this year.
Better "safe", than sorry.

Furthermore ...
The wife doesn't want to go on holiday anymore.
She stopped buying stuff online because everything comes from China.
No more going out, neither shopping with her friends, affraid of getting infected.
And the best part: with her wearing that mask, I don't hear here whining all day long.

Besides this I just traded a 12-pack handsoap, 25 masks and 54 rolls of toiletpaper for a nice sea view appartment in Spain.

I've just heard on the news about marriages been cancelled. Apparently this virus will also save lives.

Pornhub is giving away free memberships.

And best for last ...
Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump was brought down by a Virus from China, named after a Mexican beer?

This virus is actually a godsend.

Stay safe you all!


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