Ignorance Is More Dangerous Than Covid-19

Cornavirus is making headlines worldwide, as it should be doing. This novel variation of virus is spreading at an alarming rate. It seems to be transmitted by a number of different means. Coughing expels virus into the air, causing people who inhale it to become infected. The droplets land on surfaces that get touched by others, who in turn touch their faces and get infected.

The virus is not targeting anybody in particular. There seems to be a belief out there that if you are Asian, you are automatically a carrier/spreader of the disease. This is completely false. The virus seems to be an equal opportunity infector and killer. Race, creed, color do not matter to a virus. It's only goal is to reproduce. Any host will do. Apparently, even some dogs are testing positive for the virus now.

Things that are NOT TRUE about Covid-19:

-Asians created it in China and released it to kill of their enemies
-Everyone who gets the virus dies
-wearing a face mask will keep you from getting infected
-Covid-19 is the most dangerous disease ever

Things you should know about Covid-19:

-Proper personal hygiene can help keep it from spreading. Wash your hands with sanitizer often. Avoid touching your face. Cough into your elbow.
-There will be a time very soon when travel bans around the world are implemented to try to reduce the number of infections..Airports will be closed. Border crossings will closely monitor travelers. Ships and trains will reduce scheduled trips.
-There will be economic fallout from the spread of the virus. Workplaces may need to shut down temporarily while the virus spreads. Schools will almost definitely close until things settle down. Stock markets will plunge even further than they have until progress is made in eradicating the virus.
-There will likely be shortages of some consumer goods as a result of factory shutdowns.

What you should do to keep yourself and your family as safe as possible:

-Make sure they understand that panic is the real enemy. You will get through this if you work together as a team and keep everyone around you informed.
-It is a good idea to keep a supply of food on hand that will last your family at least two weeks. Emergency rations can include, rice, beans, canned foods, powdered milk, powdered eggs, peanut butter, flour, sugar, coffee, etc. Buy things your family will eat anyways, even if there are no shortages at the stores.
-Limit travel to other countries. Avoid airports, train, subway and bus stations if possible. Places where people congregate in large groups may be dangerous. Avoid movie theaters and churches. Pray at home if you need to and use Disney+ or Netflix for movies.
-Notify a health professional immediately if you feel sick or exhibit symptoms of infection.

Things you should NOT do:
-Stockpile guns and ammunition
-Hoard face masks and protective gear
-Believe any of the partisan politics going on surrounding the virus. The president didn't start it. The democrats didn't either.
-Give up hope for a vaccine or cure. It is being worked on. Israel announced they may have one in as little as 90 days.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Aware. Stay Tuned.

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