Why The Corona-Virus Probably Doesn't Exist | 2/3 - The TV Interview With All The Wild Claims (feat. Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, dubbed by Paradigm Prospector)

Continuing my little feature article on the mindblowing claims by German Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka and how he walked his talk in proving that the existence of pathogenic viruses and consequently the entirety of Western medicine is based on an unsupported and flawed narrative without any foundation of evidence. A hair-raising claim, no?

If you want to catch up you can find part 1 here


By now you're probably wondering how Lanka would even TRY to disprove the entirety of the Western "school medicine" model we are so indoctrinated with. Well, simple: He made a bet!

He stated publicly that we would pay a prize of - wait for it - 100 000 Euro (~110 000 dollars) to the individual who would be able to prove the existence of the measles-virus to him following the strict scientific standards as layed out in the German "infection-protection law" (sometimes referred to as "Germany’s Infection Protection Act (IfSG)") all cases of virus outbreaks are supposedly to be handled by.

Now, anyone would think: Is this man insane? How could he be so naiv and hope to keep the money and win the bet? Well, because Lanka himself has studied the so-called "evidence" for the existence of the measles virus meticulously and claims there is nothing of the kind in existence. Neither has the virus been properly isolated, nor has it been properly photographed or scientifically described and measured to great detail - quite the opposite actually as Lanka claims. All we supposedly have are artists' renderings or photographs of all sorts of particles under the microscope who look like something "pathogenic" to non-experts like us, as far-out as it sounds.

As he puts it, with so many fields in modern "science" instead of resting on solid foundations of evidence there is a mind-bending degree of faith involved, and if anyone wants to see the concrete basis for all these theories and hypotheses the official institutions always hand the responsibility onward to another institution or cite the "concensus of scientists who all agree that"... the measles virus exists and that it causes measles, in this case.

But going back to the German infection-protection law this is simply not a valid scientific statement, nor evidence for the actual existence of said pathogenic virus. It's a claim, nothing more. Lanka on the other hand specifically asked for (f)actual evidence, as specified and outlined in the law - not for vague unscientific arguments citing democratic majorities as some sort of proof for a factual position.

Science does not work by concensus, and never has. Science is based on factual statements that can be theorized, proven, reproduced and that remain true even if 99% of scientists would like the findings to be different. It's also evident that new paradigms are new precisely because noone before could have imagined them to even exist.


So, back to Lanka and his bet. I think this would be a great moment to reintroduce the dub I did for one of his few public interviews by a local TV station in Germany where he answered the reporter's questions on his bet and how he explains measles if a virus is not responsible for it.

It's a lot better you watch this yourself than having me explain it all because A) I have nowhere near enough factual basis to determine this myself and B) I have this blog and channel so that I can do my best to bring you the paradigms and unheard ideas as best I can without being able to tell you if it's the truth or just an interesting thought. Discernment is and will always be up to you and there are some people who wouldn't accept the truth regardless how much evidence there is for it.

This is all for your discernment and because the video could use some more attention I did my utmost to translate the video as detailed as I can and to do the highest quality video dub I could. See it as a starting point for your own research into viruses and Lanka's claims that are now highly relevant ONCE AGAIN due to the #Corona-Virus hype that is dominating the news these days.

Because if Lanka's claims are true then there is no Measles Virus, nor a Corona Virus nor any other Virus that could ever make us sick. Because as he claims the entire "mechanism" of health and disease simply follows completely different rules than we all suppose.

As with anything on this blog: It is written on my best grasp of the man's position on the issue but if you are interested please do look into Stefan Lanka for yourself. Nothing should replace your own research and experience - ever.

I'll do my best to cover a few basics of his explanations for common diseases in the final part of this miniseries as well as relay what the public's reaction to Lanka's bet was, and what happened in the aftermath...

Stay tuned!


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