make a 1,000$ with your twitter account quick and easy

It's not very difficult to make money with your Twitter followers as long as your followers are active and loyal. As you are saying that you get around 64.5k tweet impressions, that's pretty good I would say.

Please note that if you want to make money with Twitter, it's always a good idea to increase the number of your followers. 10000 followers may not be enough if your followers are not targeted to a particular niche that has commercial intent. Most twitter advertising networks would let you publish tweets and get paid on CPC or cost per click basis. It means that you will be paid whenever someone clicks on your shared links.

So you can understand how important is it for your followers to be interested in your tweets. Also there are not many good Twitter advertising networks. Two of my best choices would be Sponsored Tweets and Mylikes. You can even see tweets to be sold on BuySellAds.

The following article may help you to understand how to do only the right things when it comes to making money with Twitter : How To Make $1000 Or More Money With Twitter?

Followers are crucial to increase your income here. The biggest factor that determines how well you would earn depends on how strongly you are connected to your followers and how loyal they are to you.

But still with a huge number of followers, you can definitely expect to earn well considering the fact that you post some interesting tweets that people click and share.

Usually only celebrities and a person with strong social media presence should expect to earn well with Twitter. Some celebrities even earn in millions. Check this : How Much Do Celebrities Earn For Sponsored Tweets? But still there is always a great opportunity for anyone to take chance. Who know? YOU may be the next Twitter celebrity.Screenshot_2017-07-02-01-13-55.png

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