Meat Seasoning is for more than the Grill

In my last cooking log I showed how to grill some delicious wings that were sure to be a party favorite. Today I'm going to swap that out for an indoor rainy day food that has a tremendous shelf life.


I started with 2 pounds of London Broil from the local market. Place the meat in the freeze for about 45 minutes so that the water molocules trapped in the meat freeze. This will allow you to slice the meat with ease instead of dealing with a floppy chunk of beef.


Slice the meat between 1/8th and 3/16th inch thickness. We want a supple chunk of jerky, not a wilty mess.

Place your sliced meat into sandwich size zip lock bags, one pound per bag. Add 3 TBSP of your favorite seasoning. I used "Firecracker" and "Bad to the Bone", both available from The Spice Lab.

Allow the meat to marinade over night in the refrigerator. In the morning place the meat strips in a dehydrator leaving plenty of room for the air to circulate.


Dehydration time will be between 10 and 12 hours depending on the strength of your unit. It's OK to check it ever hour by sampling a small piece. Remove the finished product from the dehydrator when it reaches the desired level of moisture removal.


This recipe will yield about half of the original weight in finished product.

Bon Appetit


Disclaimer: This is the second time I have referenced Spice Lab products. I do not work for, get paid by or receive an affiliate commission by endorsing their products. I use their seasoning because they are an excellent product and value.

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