America Needs Democrat Control Not Gun Control

While many of the Democrats and the liberals scream that we need more gun control especially after the shooting of Scalise. Its not the gun itself shooting the people, but people themselves shooting people. In this case, it was a Bernie Sanders supporter, a registered Democrat that had shot Scalise. What do the Democrats do? They try to down play the incident and say that it wasn't politically motivated or there was no proof.

Of course there was proof, the shooter asked if the people on the field were Democrats or Republicans or Democrats before shooting. To put the icing on the cake, there was even a list of GOP members found on him that investigators thought was a hit list. Then shortly after the shooting, we have Nancy Pelosi making statements before congress saying how she prayed for Obama (What did he have to do with any of this?) and about race. Paul Ryan on the other hand says that an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. Notice the difference?

We have Democrats including former President Obama calling for the uprising of the people to fight President Trump and the Democrats. We have prominent Hollywood stars saying that they want to blow up the White House or they want to do physical harm to President Trump... We don't need gun control in America. We need Democrat and Liberal Control. Things have gone far enough.

featured image via NBC News170617-steve-scalise-ew-734p_f2d9af59e639afeaf554ac526b9fe48e.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000.jpg

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