The alternate view of a contract and its obligation

Following on from “Kiss your ass good bye”, it’s only right to allow a professional body of people to offer an alternative to the legalized contractual abuse this oh so openly offered today. To toughs of you who have read my post’s, you’ll know by now that I’m “Ex Royal Navy”, and in my “travels” here there and everywhere, I’ve met some rather talented people; I classify them as the “Pro’s.”

Now, the “Pro’s” utilize a code of practice that is second to none, they use a memorandum of understanding between each other and offer an unquestionable service level agreement that to date, has never been equaled by any other entity, company, or professional body on this planet. By applying a simple “in-out” procedure turn-over is outstanding; with some specializing in a one on one and one to many; they have their own ATM system that is not only “tamper proof”, “Air-gapped for security” but is also spotlessly clean and virus free.

To view the MOU, (Memorandum of understanding)

Quote-Pro-Charitable-Charter (A Charity) (Free from the burden of tax – Just like ANY church).

The purpose of the Charitable MOU is to a sure the best possible service is provided to the needy, irrespective of location, date or time, the needy are always right; The (Pro’s.) contracted to, and subordinate to, the common MOU [all] agree to “share” equally the needy and their charitable gifts; No needy person will be poached nor enticed away from their regular service point or specialized service requirement, if certain needy people require “specialist” care and or treatment, they will referred towards an “advance” practitioner or Senior Pro Type II.; All (Pro’s.) will share concepts, working models, ideas, plans and processes and procedure’s with the view of enhancing the collective charitable DONATION. Work in non-Pro-Rata, nor hourly, but on a need by need timed basis that is optimized for the rotation of the needy; absolute pride is to be taken in the delivery of all charitable services in accordance with the Charites service level agreement below. The offered charitable hours are “Three working days, three weeks per month, hours to suit, but to complete 24 hours per week”, optimization of the needy results in maximized throughput for a common charitable investment.

Company benefits are:
All participants within the charity are automatically entitled to use the company DEBIT CARD (free of charge); each debit card will have its charitable donation capped to avoid any possibility of financial destitution. Low working hours to suit your needs; High donation turn-over, varied “vetted” user base, SAFE, comfortable work surrounding’s, free medical and un-employment backup charity pot, equal to 50% of registered “donations”; all debts are covered while you remain in an un-servable condition, the maximum company donation allowed is equal to 26 weeks normal charitable donations or one year of cover, the cover entitlement commences six months after the commencement of contract, the first six-month will be covered on a percentage base from the first needy case that is resolved. The charity also offers a one year on-the-job-training or “intern-ships” to both male and female aged 21 and over, the offer is subject to availability of placement and prior skill-set of the potential intern.

Before any person comments … … (pause for thought), think of your revenue today? Think of how much TAX you pay? How many hours you work? Your welfare benefits? Sickness Cover? Work Environment? Would you rather not just have a “company card”? All you got to do is “lay back and think of England”, and get paid in the process. It’s not prostitution, no one is making any money, it is not taxable as it is a charity for the needy, the needy cum to pray for relief of their anxiety and for their relief they make a one-time charitable donation; its identical to the church. If it’s good enough for the church in the eyes of the law, then it good enough for everyone else, unless you place the church above the law, and that’s not quite right is it!
Love and kisses (A friend to humanity).

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