Domain Name, 3dp.Expert, Is For Sale: Contest


What is for sale or rent?

The domain name 3dp.Expert



Why buy domain names?

Domain names are digital real estate that appreciate in value over time. How much it appreciates in value depends on many factors.

Some of the factors are:

a) The length of the domain, the shorter the better.
b) The age of the domain, the older the better.
c) The industry the domain caters to. Popular industry domain names such as crypto, travel demand higher prices.
d) The keywords it contains. Popular keywords demand higher prices.
e) Whether the name is brandable and/or trademarkable.
f) Whether the domain name is memorable.

Why buy this domain name?

This is one of the new gTLDs which are growing in popularity day by day and are fast replacing the traditionally popular .com, .net and .org domains.

3dp is a short-form for 3d print or 3d printing. In domain business the short domains trumps over the long-form and fetches far more in sales value than the long form.

3d printing is a fast growing industry. See this report for its growth trajectory.

This domain is 8 years old. is also an easy to remember name.


  1. One entry per account.

  2. Share the page on one or more of the following social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or any other platform of your choice.

  3. Upvote (optional) and Reblog this post.

  4. Post a promotional post for the domain name on Hive with a link pointing to Your promotional post can be a long article or a short post on any of the Hive frontends including Leofinance and D.Buzz.

  5. Use your own title for your post. Be creative.

  6. Comment below with proof (i.e. the links) of your social media share and promotional post on Hive.

  7. Use these tags in your promotional post: #contests #forsale #diy #leofinance

  8. Invite (tag) two (2) of your followers in your promotional post to participate in this contest.

  9. Engage with the other contest participants by commenting on
    their posts, upvoting etc.

  10. During the time of your participation, you should have staked the following tokens in the minimum amounts shown below.
    a. List – preferably a minimum of 500 LISTs
    b. Leo – preferably a minimum of 500 LEOs
    c. Buidl – preferably a minimum of 500,000 BUIDLs

  11. Those without one or two of the above stakes may still be considered but the corresponding prize money will be denied to the winner. Hence, someone with no LEO stakes but with stakes in LIST and BUIDL, will be entitled to the prize monies in LIST and BUIDL but not LEO. Those with the higher amount of stakes, all else being equal, will stand a better chance of winning the prize compared with those with lower stakes. Hence it will be in your best interest to increase your stakes in these tokens as much as you can.

  12. Delegations to your account will not count as staked tokens.

  13. Any images you use in your entry post must be your own or for which you have the license (permission) to use that image either because you have purchased a license to use it or because it is a free to use image,

    Images must carry a sub-script below them, showing details of attribution, copyright information, license details or any other details required by the license.

    If it is your own image, and do not wish to share it with others, use the subscript ©Your Name below the image.

    If you have your own image and wish to share it with others on specific terms, then one way to do it would be to use the licenses offered by Creative Commons here. Try it. When you use Creative Common Licenses with attribution and links back to your original posts/images on Hive, it will give your posts more eyeballs, when others use your images in their posts!

    If you wish to waive all your rights to your own image worldwide i.e. make it a public domain license, then you may use the CC0 license offered by Creative Commons here.

    If you are using a third party image licensed to you, the details of the subscript would depend on the requirements of the license. Please make sure that your subscript complies with all these requirements. The subscript should also include a link to the original source of the image, where the details of the licensor and the license can be verified.

    Stock image companies usually do not ask for attribution in any form when you are using their licensed images. Nevertheless, for this contest, you are required to provide a subscript with details of attribution. Such a practice removes any doubt as to whether you have a license to use the image and is, imho, reflective of professional conduct.

    Example of images with attribution details in a subscript are shown below for your guidance.
    a. This image by green.thumbs from Flickr, is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
    b. Image by Verity Sanders via Unsplash License
    c. Photo by Anna Shvets via Pexels
    d. Image by SSidde from Pixabay
    e.Concept of copyright infringement. Kinds of piracy—stock Illustration by enotmaks of Depositphotos (Note: use this subscript if a description of the image is required).

    Please note that Google images, news sites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and (most images on) social media sites are secondary sources of images. If you are using these images, you should endeavour to find the original source and check to see whether you have the license to use it and use it only if you have the license to use them. Avoid using such images if you can't find the original image or if you don't understand.

    Do not edit copyrighted images on image editing software like Canva and use them unless you have the license to use the image and the license specifically allows you to do so.

    An example of a license allowing you to do so is seen under CC BY-NC 2.0 license. This license specifically allows you to adapt (i.e. remix, transform, and build upon the material used) the image. For an example of such usage, see the the first example above.

    The CC BY-NC 2.0 license also requires you to indicate if changes have been made to the image when using it. For an example of such usage, look up the second image of this post in Sportstalksocial.

Period of Contest

The contest will run for 10 days from the date hereof. Check the countdown timer (in for the exact date and time.


The winner will be selected based on many factors. If there are two or more potential winners for the same prize, besides your compliance with the above rules, the following additional factors will be taken into account in determining the winner:

a) Do you have commitment to the Hive ecosystem? Do you consistently participate in posting, commenting, reblogging, upvoting etc. Do you consistently stake much of your earnings instead of cashing out?
b) The quality of your promotional post and the number of likes you have received.
c) The amount of LIST, LEO and BUIDL tokens you have staked. The higher the better.
d) For our future weekly contests, the regularity of your participation in our contests.
e) Any other factors the judges may consider appropriate.

If you are one of, say 3, potential winners, and if you stand out from the rest in the above factors, all else being equal, you will stand a better chance to win than the other two.

The winners once decided is final and conclusive and will be announced 4 days after the end of the contest period.

What are the Prizes?

10 LEOs100 LISTs100000 BUIDLs

All these prizes may be won by a single candidate or by a maximum of three candidates.

(End of contest page)

Do you have a buyer for the domain?

If you have a buyer and wish act as the broker for the sale of this domain DM me on discord server: devann#2703.

On successful sale you will be paid a brokerage fee of 10% of the sale price. To ensure all the parties (seller, buyer and broker) are protected, the transactions will be conducted with the use of escrow services on . When you have concluded the sale with the buyer, register yourself as a broker with to protect your commission.

To understand the additional options available to the buyer under the Epik platform, please refer to my earlier article, Epik – The Domain Aftermarket You Probably Haven't Heard Of.

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