Boring Surge Protector (Boring Photo Contest Entry)

@saywha is hosting a Boring Photo Contest and this is my boring photo entry... behold!

Boring Surge Protector


I took this photo with a camera that costs less than my Walmart donut habit so I of course needed to use my free photo editing program to... um... make sure no one is injured while viewing it.


The original was a bit dark... like your soul... and my coffee... so please don't judge. Again, behold!

Original Unedited Boring Surge Protector

(Please wear proper eye protection when viewing)


Do you feel like having clicked on this post you've lost a bit of your life? If it consoles you any, think how much of mine was lost creating this monstrosity.

Be sure to follow me for more visual pain and suffering! Also be sure to click that upvote button, cha-ching, before your common sense kicks and and you realize it would be a travesty to reward this kind of thing.

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