DocumentZ - Zombie Survival Writing Contest Dead or Alive?

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It's been two months now and it seems as though this project is truly dead.

I want to see who sees this post now that I post it.

If you just found this, DocumentZ is/was a writing competition where the best entry is used to shape the course of the story and a new prompt is generated. Unfortunately I am just the writer, the content creator and not the founder. I am not in charge of the payouts and I do not have the Master Key. I do have the Posting key though...

So here are some questions I would like feedback for:

1: Is there interest in a project like this carrying on?

2: Would you like the story of DocumentZ to be continued?

3:What should I do now that I cannot do the payouts myself? (Is there a way of getting that access or should I start a new channel for this?)

Or are there any other suggestions as to what I could do in my situation?

Yours faithfully
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