Sharing is caring - 3 SBD giveaway/contest to support fellow planktons


Let's share what we got!

"Sharing is caring" is a phenomenon that has existed since forever I bet, sharing what you have with those that need it is basic form of caring for our fellow human beings (and animals obviously, but let's stick to us humans for now). As I travel around in the world I meet it often in rural and poor areas, specially in the South East Asia, where people will invite you to share their food despite they themselves having almost nothing.
In recent years it became a mantra for people sharing through peer to peer networks, starting around the long gone music sharing site Napster and going all the way to our modern torrent sharing sites like Pirate Bay with more.
And now we are here on steemit where all we do is share, all day long, with each and every action we do. We share economics through upvotes, opinions through comments and exposure through resteems, just as a few examples. There is also the enormous amount of contests going on every day here and a few times people just share because they can.

Steemit is sharing and Steemit is caring, no doubt about that. I'm still just a tiny plankton but already a lot of people has been there for me, supporting and sharing with me to help me grow. People like @surpassinggoogle, @fernwehninja, my girlfriend @iwanderela and @sharonomics (with a lot more to follow, but enough name dropping for now, no?) has shared their knowledge, their steempower and guidance and I owe them all thanks.

Thank you
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Right, so enough of the fancy words and deep thoughts about the prospect of sharing, here is the real reason behind this post.
It sucks to make quality content and have it completely overlooked, you work and you work and you give it all you got and still end up with nothing. That's cool, it's the name of the game, but in the long run it get's a bit tiresome. In a recent talk with @sharonomics he upvoted my comments very generously and dared me to share the reward with those less fortunate than myself. I thought long and hard how to do that; what defines the "needy" on steemit and how do I decide who to share with? For me the needy of steemit are those amazing content creators out there that put everything they got into their posts, yet never get the recognition they deserve.

In the end I came up with this idea that I'd make a sort of give-away contest. You can't enter yourself directly, no selfpromoting here, but instead you can enter anyone who you think could use a little SBD support.

The rules are simple
  • Upvote this post (so that I can earn enough to do this again hopefully).
  • Link in the comments a quality post from someone who meets the requirements and tell me why he or she should get the reward.
  • Requirements for the giveaway is.
    Their account must be valued to under $150 in total.
    Must be active with at least 5 "quality" content posts posted.
    Account can't have powered down within the last month.
  • Linked post can't be more than 3 days old from today.
  • Only 1 nomination per account is allowed
  • Last day for nominations will be February the 7th at 12.00 nn CET

The account who is least rewarded for what I think is the best content will recieve 3 SBD from me to bolster their earnings a bit.

I don't have much myself, but in the spirit of @sharonomics we don't need much to work our influence and make an impact on those around us. Sharing is caring and who knows, maybe we can start a chain reaction of sharing, spreading the hope and start to get some recognition for those that deserves it.


Feel free to resteem so we can reach as many as possible! If there is more than 20 entries there will be a second price also of 1 SBD, but hey, let's see how this will go down to start with. It would be kinda ironic if this post also drowns in the sea of steemit ;)


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