🎬Movie Rating Contest #7: Jigsaw (2017) - GiveAway 100% of SBD + 0.1 SBD for the first 10 participants who Resteem the post - 500 Followers💰


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Jigsaw (2017)Movie Rating Contest

a Themovieplace original contest for the Steemit Community
Participate, Win and Get Fun

For the beginning I want to thank to all who supported me so far and helped me to reach 500 followers which is an important thing for me and gives me strength to continue doing what I like and I'm a witness to the growth of this community who taught me that there is always something new to learn when you create an article and there are always people who are willing to help you if you need some help.
It's my turn to offer something even if there is not much but I want to offer to the first 10 participants 0.1 SBD who also Resteem the post and reply with" I'm a participant and I Resteemed this post", and to become one I advise you to read the rules which explains what do you have to do.
About 1 month ago I started this contest and more precisely the title is called Movie Rating Contest #1: It (2017) - GiveAway 100% of SBD from the post revenues and the fact that it was the first contest has made to participate only one person which is @shaffisara who voted for the rating 10-9.1 of the movie It (2017) and the date which was elected is 20 September that is today, but the rating of the movie It (2017) is 8 and does not qualify within the voting range and the first contest remains without a winner.
Thanks @shaffisara for the participation and you're welcome on another occasions.
I chose the movie Jigsaw (2017) for the contest #7 which is directed by the Spierig brothers, and 13 days ago I recommended their movie Predestination (2014) which I really liked and also Daybreakers (2009) was a good movie being among the few vampire movies which I liked lately.
The movie Jigsaw (2017) have the first release in 26 October in countries like Argentina, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Netherlands and the date which will count for our contest is 31 October.
The earnings of the post will be equally divided for those who will choose the correct rating and you have 7 days from the posting date of this article, to decide which rating to choose, so you don't have to hurry.
Let's take a look at some things that can help you to choose the correct rating for the contest :

  • as I said before, the directors of the movie are the Spierig brothers who made three movies so far, Jigsaw (2017) being the fourth and from what I saw I liked both but i liked more Predestination (2014) being their best film so far and this Jigsaw it seems a pretty good movie from the trailer and I'm just waiting to see what's gonna come out from the project of the Spierig brothers

  • the cast is not great, having many unknown actors and only Tobin Bell is the actor that I know

  • the runtime of the movie is 1h 31min being quite short, but if is done properly something good can come out and I hope that will not bore us and will be able to make the story quite detailed

To see much better about what this movie is about I will add also the trailer which I hope will help you with something to offer the proper rating for 31 October.

Movie Trailer

Don't forget, if this article becomes well-known the chances that the earnings will grow are bigger and if you want to participate in this you can Resteem the post or you can share it(is optional).

  • You nead to upvote the post and also one of the comments from what I will put under the post which will indicate the rating for which you have opted for the movie Jigsaw (2017) for 31 October.

  • You are allowed to opt for one option only, who will opt for multiple options will be disqualified

  • You have 7 days to submit your rating

The earnings will be sent on 31 October when I will announce the winners.

If you like my posts just FOLLOW ME @themovieplace, Upvote and Resteem my post.

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