Four Fun Ways to Win Up to 12 STEEM: Announcing a collaborative erotic fiction writing contest

Celebrating a stepping stone to steem success

Since my first ever approved post on @utopian-io sent some SBD my way I'll be launching this series of collaborative erotic fiction writing contests a bit earlier than expected.

There are four different ways for you to win STEEM, and you don't have to be a writer for all of them. So read all the way through to see what's going on.

This small contest is just a way for me to celebrate a stepping stone as well as support creative writers. I hope we'll have some fun too 😎. It will definitely keep some worthwhile works from going unnoticed.

A while ago I hired a talented young artist by the name of Kotryna Jonaitytė to create some concept art for a story of nightclub seduction I was working on. That story eventually went in a different direction (the unfinished But seriously—I like what she created and really am interested to see what kind of twists and surprises it might inspire.

Over the next few weeks I'll post the concept art a bit at a time. The idea is to create two complete illustrated stories as a crowd collaboration in the form of a story contest. One version will be based purely on what's popular as measured by upvotes. The second story will be based upon submissions selected by me according to taste. In each case I will apply a minimal amount of editing to allow the pieces to fit seamlessly together.

Now if you're not a writer, or you are but you don't have time for this story just yet, there are opportunities to win for raising the visibility of the #tdre-contest too. See below!

How to Enter a Story

In the example below are three illustrations. Create a steem post that includes all three illustrations. For each of the three write 80-300 words beneath.

Taken together these 240-900 words should comprise the beginning of an original erotic or romance story based on the events unfolding there in the graphics.

There will be four more contests to follow this one so the story does not yet need a middle and an end. It's suggested to focus on introducing the characters and setting an interesting scene.

[✍] Tip: These image files are fairly large but you don't need to upload or copy/paste them into your own post. You should be able to just use the links. Here they are...




<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />

So that I am aware of your valid entry be sure to:

  • tag me in your post: @tdre
  • put the #tdre-contest hashtag in your post
  • tag your story with tdre-contest (it does not need to be the first tag)
  • Preferably license your entry as CC BY-SA 4.0. Or you can use any license that permits sharing and remixing in order to complete the collaborative story. Just try to keep it simple 😅

Note: none of that has to go in your story, you can just throw it in at the end of the post as a "footer." In fact here comes the example and it has one you can cut and paste.

An example entry...

Bacon ipsum dolor amet hamburger short loin shoulder chuck jerky, prosciutto spare ribs pig bacon shank alcatra ribeye venison pork loin. Chuck swine filet mignon pancetta short loin tongue capicola, doner prosciutto turducken pork belly buffalo meatball ham picanha. Pork loin salami biltong, boudin hamburger sirloin pork belly pork chop venison prosciutto shankle corned beef landjaeger porchetta!

Sausage ham tri-tip, pastrami shank boudin chicken flank filet mignon fatback. Turducken bresaola pancetta filet mignon beef. Bacon meatloaf cow pastrami kevin. Pork alcatra doner shankle venison. Ball tip tri-tip tenderloin buffalo capicola spare ribs ribeye short loin landjaeger fatback boudin biltong.

Tail rump spare ribs, boudin shank kevin landjaeger salami brisket shankle ham hock turducken burgdoggen. Ham hock short loin ball tip, flank pastrami meatloaf hamburger. Pig doner brisket, jowl pork loin venison pork chop ground round pork belly shank fatback tenderloin meatball picanha bresaola. Short loin ribeye beef frankfurter landjaeger buffalo bacon picanha jerky ground round. Frankfurter fatback alcatra jowl. Capicola doner biltong, pork sausage flank strip steak cow pig kevin tri-tip shank beef ribs salami.

Hey all, this story is my entry for week 1 of #tdre-contest run by @tdre. He's giving away 12 STEEM with four ways to win! This original story of mine is licensed CC BY-SA 4.0.

erotica fiction tdre-contest shortstory contest

Four ways to win

  1. The Sponsor's Choice3 STEEM goes to the story that I choose as the best written and most entertaining.

  2. The People's Choice3 STEEM goes to the entry with the most upvotes by the time this announcement pays out.

  3. The Visibility Sweepstakes — One account that resteems this post announcing the contest during the payout period will be randomly selected to receive 3 STEEM.

  4. The Crowd Pleaser — The comment on this announcement post with the most upvotes by the time the post pays out will receive 3 STEEM. In the event of a tie I'll cast an upvote for the most amusing or original comment to settle it. I won't vote on comments until after the post payout.

Well, that's it. By the way, this is my first time running a contest on steem or anywhere else. If anything is confusing or left out please leave me a comment. I will do my best to clear things up.

Best wishes for success and I look forward to reading your entries. Have fun!

Regarding sources: These images were created for me as work for hire. I have all necessary rights through my arrangement with the artist. Further as the owner of sufficient rights I am granting CC BY-SA 4.0 so all are free to use them for the contest and elsewhere. Attribution should be to the original artist Kotryna Jonaitytė or by link to this post.

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