The Flaws in our Human Perception


I'd like to talk about this image in two contexts

A Limited Point of View

Did you notice that there’s only two holes for whatever is inside the cloth to look through? Looking at the image just reminds me of how limited our vision of things are.
We just see the world through our small eyes and often times this moves us to jump to conclusions, because we don’t know it all. It’s like looking from one angle and judging that all the other angles are the same.

Like we see someone who burst out angrily at a very small issue and we conclude the person is a very bitter person or likes to flare up or enjoys drama. Let’s look at the bigger picture:

What if, the person is having a bad day, or facing some overwhelming pressure that he’s finding difficult to handle? What if he just received some bad news? We really cannot tell. Of course some people enjoy drama and attention. But my point is if a friend replies in a harsh manner, will you pause and say, ”Hold on, what’s going on? You’ve never spoken to me like that before”, or say “This is not the you I know, something is definitely wrong”.

But because of our small eyes, many of us reply with outbursts too and flare up like “How dare you talk to me like that?” and the rest of the hurtful things people say to each other.

Get me right, I’m not justifying transferred aggression, I’m just saying let’s be more discerning, let’s grant benefit of doubt to each other, especially the people we know personally. Did you know that you can sue someone for how he/she made you feel? I know, I know, I’m in Nigeria.

Our Focus

Many of us see the white cloth that looks more or less like a ghost, but I dare to say, most of us didn’t see any other thing in the background. Like a black dot on a white paper.
Naturally, we focus on the cloth that looks like a ghost or the black dot and forget the rest of the background.


Just like when we focus on something someone has done to us and forget about all the things the person has been doing for us all along, like the way we focus on faults and fail to acknowledge a strength, like the way we easily write off some people and conclude that nothing good can come from the person, like the way Nigerian parents will scold their kids to the hearing of the neighbors but when their kids do something good, they’d just murmur, “You have tried”.

I could go on and on, but I wish to drop my pen here. The bottomline is this, Let’s keep in mind that we don’t know it all, let’s be discerning, let’s look at the bigger picture. This way we’d have better hassle-free relationships.

This is an Entry for steemit-virus Contest #4, Awarding Creativity,organized by @steemit-virus an initiative of @gbenga

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