Design the most Aussie STEEM T-Shirt WINNERS Announced!

Well that was quick!

Our amazing judges put their heads together and came up with the winners of our Design an Aussie STEEM T-shirt today, so I can now announce our winners and get those T-Shirts Printed!

How was the judging conducted?

Each judge chose their three favourite designs and ranked them in order from 1 to 3.

Points were allocated according to the design's ranking:

  • 3 points for rank 1;
  • 2 points for rank 2; and
  • 1 point for rank 3.

All points were tallied up and the scores came back as follows:


So what does this mean? I'll tell you what this means.

This means that @nossy is our first place winner!

Followed by @amirdesaingrafis in second place!

And @just2random in third place!!


We were incredibly impressed with the quality of the entries in this competition and I'll be sure to run another competition soon.

Finally, I'd like to say a HUGE Thank You to our Most Amazing Judges!

Love these designs and eager to get a STEEM T-Shirt of your own?

If you want to get your own STEEM T-Shirt design or just your own STEEM Australia or STEEM T-Shirt then visit the Steemit Australia website to check out our range or contact @mazzle on Discord to have a chat about what you'd like to create. You can also contact @mazzle via the Contact Us page on the Steemit Australia website.

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