100 STEEM → Sponsored Writing contest : Global warming

Welcome to @steem-contest weekly sponsored writing contest

Status : OPEN

Start Date 28-07-2018
End Date untill 200 contestant joined.

Contest Topic : Global Warming Issue


1st place - 45 Steem
2nd place - 20 steem
3rd place - 15 steem
4th place - 10 steem
5th place - 5 steem
6 th to 10 place - 1 steem each bonous

Video bonus - 1 GBYTE

Write your article based on these,

  • How global warming change the world?
  • Effect of global warming.
  • Main cause and reason of global warming
  • What will happened after 10 years for global warming.
  • How can we solve the issue.
  • your opinion for global warming.


  1. Write original content
  2. Article spinner user will parmanently ban from our contest.
  3. Copy post need to post with " " comma and write the source.
  4. Resteem the post
  5. Upvote the post
  6. Use #steem-contest tag in your main tag
  7. Insert this post link in your entry/submission.
  8. Comment your submission in this post.

Global warming is a gradual increase in the temperature of the earth surface and atmosphere all around the world. It is caused due to the greenhouse effect of increased level of green house gases such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, etc. There are various types of pollutants also which involved in increasing the atmospheric temperature of the earth. Increasing use of fossil fuels by the people and deforestation is increasing carbon dioxide emissions which trap heat and cause greenhouse effect.

Water vapor is also a significant greenhouse gas which is not directly produced by humankind but involve in global warming hugely. A slight increase in the level of CO2 causes marked increase in earth temperature. Green house gases absorb and re-radiate infrared radiations which ultimately cause green house effect. Because of deforestation, CO2 is not absorbed well and remain in the atmosphere for long time and

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